A correlation between college entrance exam

A correlation between college entrance exam grades and scholastic achievement was found to be -1.08. On the basis of this you would tell the university that _________.

Question 2

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5 out of 5 points

In the equation Y = bX + a, X and Y are _________.

Question 3

0 out of 5 points

A traffic safety officer conducted an experiment to determine whether there is a correlation between people’s ages and driving speeds. Six individuals were randomly sampled and the following data were collected.








Speed (mph)







The value of Pearson r equals _________.

Question 4

0 out of 5 points

In a negative relationship, _________.

Question 5

0 out of 5 points

Knowing nothing more than that IQ and memory scores are correlated 0.84, you could validly conclude that _________.

Question 6

5 out of 5 points

If two variables are ratio scaled and the relationship is linear, what type of correlation coefficient is most appropriate?

Question 7

0 out of 5 points

The proportion of variance accounted for by a correlation between two variables is determined by _________.

Question 8

5 out of 5 points

If N is small, an extreme score _________.

Question 9

0 out of 5 points

It is possible to compute a coefficient of correlation if one is given _________.

two sets of measurements on the same individuals

Question 10

5 out of 5 points

A scatter plot _________.

Question 11

0 out of 5 points

Causation implies correlation.


Question 12

0 out of 5 points

Which of the following values of r represents the strongest degree of relationship between two variables?

Question 13

0 out of 5 points

If 49% of the total variability of Y is accounted for by X, what is the value of r?

Question 14

0 out of 5 points

A researcher wanted to know if the order in which runners finish a race is correlated with their weight. She conducts an experiment and the data are given below.

Finishing order







Weight (lbs)







The correlation for these data equals _________.

Question 15

0 out of 5 points

What is the value of the Spearman rank order correlation coefficient (rho) for the following pairs of ranks?

Question 16

0 out of 5 points

If the correlation between variables X and Y is 0.95, which of the following is true?

Question 17

5 out of 5 points

In a perfect relationship, _________.

Question 18

0 out of 5 points

Which of the following statements concerning Pearson r is not true?

Question 19

0 out of 5 points

In the equation Y = bX + a, X and Y, b is _________.

Question 20

0 out of 5 points

Y can be most accurately predicted from X if the correlation between X and Y is _________.

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