A researcher has collected some data on the amount

Question 1

5 out of 5 points

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A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown below arranged in a frequency distribution of grouped scores.

The real limits of the interval 6.4-6.7 are _________.

Question 2

5 out of 5 points

Consider the following stem-and-leaf diagram.




1 3


2 4 6 7


2 3 5 6 8


1 3 4 4 5 6 8


3 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9


2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7


1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6


2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7

If the numbers in the left column are deciles, the median of the distribution falls in the range of _______.

Question 3

5 out of 5 points

Assume your task is to group the raw scores given below into a frequency distribution of approximately 12 intervals of equal width.

The value of i is _________.

Question 4

0 out of 5 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. The resulting data are shown in the following frequency distribution.

The percentile rank of a score of 40 is _________.

Question 5

5 out of 5 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown in the frequency distribution of grouped scores that follows.

The relative frequency for the interval 5.2-6.6 is _________.

Question 6

5 out of 5 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. Here is the frequency distribution of the data.

The 50th percentile point is _________.

Question 7

5 out of 5 points

The percentile rank of a score is defined as _________.

Question 8

5 out of 5 points

In graphing frequency distributions, _________ is usually plotted on the abscissa.

Question 9

5 out of 5 points

What indicates the proportion of the total number of scores that occurred in each interval?

Question 10

5 out of 5 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown in the frequency distribution of grouped scores that follows.

The percentile rank of a score of 6.5 is _________.

Question 11

5 out of 5 points

The true limits of 7.0 are _________.

Question 12

5 out of 5 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table.

What percentage of cases fall within the class interval containing the most cases?

Question 13

5 out of 5 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown below arranged in a frequency distribution of grouped scores.

The cumulative percentage for the interval 5.2-5.5 is _________.

Question 14

5 out of 5 points

Assume your task is to group the raw scores given below into a frequency distribution of approximately 12 intervals of equal width.

The interval containing the most scores is _________.

Question 15

5 out of 5 points

If a large psychology class took a test on theoretical biophysics, the distribution of scores would probably be _________.

Question 16

5 out of 5 points

Consider the following score diagram.




1 3


2 4 6 7


2 3 5 6 8


1 3 4 4 5 6 8


3 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9


2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7


1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6


2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7

This score diagram is called a _________.

Question 17

5 out of 5 points

An accountant is preparing a graph showing the number of sports cars of various makers purchased this year. The number will be plotted on the ordinate and the various manufacturers on the abscissa. The proper type of graph for this data is a(n) _________.


Question 18

5 out of 5 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown below arranged in a frequency distribution of grouped scores.

The 75th percentile point is _________.

Question 19

5 out of 5 points

The purpose of a frequency distribution is to _________.

Question 20

5 out of 5 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. Here is the frequency distribution of the data.

The real limits of the interval 56-65 are _________.

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