Based on your reading of the article “Leading Change” by John Kotter (1995),

Based on your reading of the article “Leading Change” by John Kotter (1995), discuss three ideas, suggestions, or sections of the article that you found interesting. For example, in Error 1, Kotter argues that it is extremely difficult to get people to change because it means they must move out of their comfortable routines and into the unknown. Leaders often fail to create a great enough sense of urgency around the change to make people want to do things differently. If your organization has gone through a change recently, then you might want to discuss whether or not a “sense of urgency” was established. What was the response? Feel free to use Chapter 4 of your text to supplement your points.

What do we know about the effectiveness of cases, behavioral role modeling, large-scale simulations, and developmental assignments for leadership development (adapted from Yukl, 2008)?

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