BIO316 All Week Discussions Latest November 2018

BIO316 Patient Management and Pharmacological Agents

Module 1 Discussion

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DQ1 How are biopharmaceuticals distributed and how does this relate to drug administration?

DQ2 Explain how drugs are administered to pediatric patients and how these methods would differ in an adult patient.


BIO316 Patient Management and Pharmacological Agents

Module 2 Discussion

DQ1 What class of drugs is the most dangerous in the workplace and why?

DQ2 Explain how the controlled drugs are supervised in your work environment.


BIO316 Patient Management and Pharmacological Agents

Module 3 Discussion

DQ1 In an emergency situation, what do you think are your responsibilities and limitations? Compare these to the responsibilities of the other responders.

DQ2 Do your Standards of Practice specifically list venipuncture drug administration and IV medication? What is a health care professional in your position allowed to do?


BIO316 Patient Management and Pharmacological Agents

Module 4 Discussion

DQ1 Who makes the decision to use conscious sedation? What conditions are taken into consideration?

DQ2 Describe a patient’s condition under conscious sedation. Relate your experiences with sedated patients.




BIO316 Patient Management and Pharmacological Agents

Module 5 Discussion

DQ1 Using the formula 2ml/kg, calculate the dosage of contrast media recommended for a person your size. Compare your dosage with other students.

DQ2 Why do you think the correct methods for administering medication are called the “Five Rights”?

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