WEEK 3 Compare/Contrast Healthcare Apps Concept Map

  Assignment Instructions: Note: You will need to download medical apps onto an iPhone, iPad, or Android device to complete this assignment. If you do not have any of these devices, you may use the app in a web browser on the host’s website.  Assignment Instructions: Review the following tutorial on building concept maps in…

Discussion – Nursing

  From your Legal and Ethical Principles assignment, share the following with your peers in an original discussion post: the legal and ethical principle you identified explain how the legal and ethical principles are related to medication administration.  Include how your research/findings added a new thought to your evidence-based medication administration practice. Attach or embed…


 Chief Complaint: The patient presents for evaluation and management of substance abuse.  History of Present Illness: The patient is a 20-year-old male who reports using marijuana over the past [du1 1 year. The patient describes escalating use, resulting in negative impacts on his academic performance, relationships, and physical health. He reports using the substance to…

Nutrion n ĥ

Nutrient Recommendations for Nonpregnant, Pregnant, and Lactating Women in text and compare the recommended percent allowances for: Iron – Who (nonpregnant, pregnant, lactating) needs it more and why? Ellen is an 18-year-old single mother of a six-month infant; she works at a convenience store and makes minimum wage. Ellen has limited financial means and needs…

Nursing homework

Describe your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about clients with disruptive behavior disorders. Use the following questions to guide your response:  Have you had experience with people who have these behaviors? How has that influenced your feelings about caring for clients with disruptive behaviors?  What are your feelings and attitudes about being in an environment when…