CHS395V – Intermediate Practicum

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CHS395V – Intermediate Practicum

CHS395V Simulated Field Experience Reflections Template

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Video 1: Write the Name of the Video –

a. Main Point and why it is an important topic.

b. Compare your thoughts on the topic to those expressed in the video.

c. Explain why you agree/disagree with a statement made in the video. Include the quote and the role of the quoted person (teacher, parent, director, etc.).

Video 2: Write the Name of the Video –

a. Main Point and why it is an important topic.

b. Identify a developmentally appropriate practice (DAP) and describe how you saw it implemented.

c. Provide a specific classroom application of new knowledge gained from the video.

Video 3: Write the Name of the Video –

1. Main Point and why it is an important topic.

2. Describe something that inspired you or caused you to want to learn more.

3. Connect something from the video to your experience or prior knowledge.

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