Civ Db3 – In total, there were approximately 10 separate Crusades

Civ Db3

In total, there were approximately 10 separate Crusades, including one or two ‘Children’s Crusades’, which went particularly badly. The arrangement of these Crusades was sufficiently confusing enough for modern historians to disagree about how many Crusades there were! Although organizing these expeditions naturally proved very complicated, they all at least managed to arrive at their intended destinations near Jerusalem–that is, all of them except the 4th Crusade in 1202. Although their intention had been another effort to take control of Jerusalem, the mission got sidetracked and the wealthy Christian city of Constantinople was instead sacked. To unravel this strange series of events, try to consider the following questions before developing your explanation–although you do not need to respond directly to them all.

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Please provide your response to the following discussion questions in 250-500 words. Then save the file as either .doc or .docx format, and upload the document into the Upload Area for Discussion 3: Please use double-spacing, and include a standard header with your Name, Course, Assignment, and Date.

  • Was the disunity of European nations responsible for the failures of the Crusades? 
  • Do you think that religion was the primary reason for the fight over Jerusalem…or did the Crusaders have other motivations?
  • How did the interests of the citizens of Constantinople differ from those of the Crusaders? 
  • Did they look forward to war with the non-Christian states that surrounded them? 
  • How could a successful Crusade possibly help the citizens of Constantinople when they already held a dominant commercial role in the region?
  • Where did the money come from to underwrite the Crusades and how did the Church intend to benefit by supporting them?
  • How do conflicts between Europe, the Middle East, and Turkey in modern times reflect events that occurred during the Crusades?

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