Discussed EXIM incontext of U.S. Exports


OK, so we’ve discussed EXIM incontext of U.S. Exports. Now we come to financing of trade from another perspectice. Foreign trade continues to grow rapidly annually as more and more countries create product and services for sale. The financing requires knowledge of the many risks associated with global business, foreign exchange, country risk, counterparty ris legal rules that transcend boundries etc. Approxiatmetly 65% of cross border business is between parties of the same ownership (subsidiary to parent etc.) per Bankers Association of Finance and Trade they have their challeneges and risks with cross border money movement foreign exchange and financing of subsidiaries in foreign countries.The balance – 45% are between parties who do not have common ownership – additional issues such as credit risk, performance risk.Please review

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 In addition to liquidity issues (how when, am I sure I will be paid?) <This gets back to my question on working capital>. So, with all this said, How can an international financier help in get the cpaital to lend, guarantee the foreign receivable, get the exporter paid and make money for him/herself.

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