Final 10: IHP 604 Module Ten Presentation

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IHP 604 Module Ten Presentation Guidelines and Rubric


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Congratulations! Your quality improvement initiative was approved by your manager. Now you need to communicate and build support for implementing your improvement initiative within

the organization to help ensure a smooth and effective implementation.

This assignment will help you perform both learning objectives in this module.


Create a 7-to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes that will create support and enthusiasm for your quality improvement initiative. You will need to select an audience for your

presentation that will be affected by your improvement initiative. Your presentation will only be given to your selected audience.

Speci�cally, you must address the following rubric criteria by including the following sections in your presentation:

1. Section 1: Selection of audience: Describe your selected audience and how the audience would be impacted by the quality improvement initiative.

2. Section 2: Metric analysis and opportunity for improvement description: Describe the relevant information for this audience from the �rst two parts of your course project related to

metric analysis and your process for identifying an opportunity for improvement.

3. Section 3: Quality improvement initiative recommendation description: Describe the quality improvement initiative for your selected audience, including information that would

generate enthusiasm for your quality improvement initiative.

4. Section 4: How this presentation will persuade and generate enthusiasm: Discuss techniques you used in the other sections of your presentation to persuade and generate enthusiasm

for your initiative from your selected audience.

5. Section 5: How this presentation will change behavior: Discuss techniques you used in the other sections of your presentation to encourage your selected audience to change behavior

related to your initiative.

What to Submit

Submit this assignment as a 7-to 15-slide presentation with detailed speaker notes. If you need writing support, you can access the Online Writing Center through the Academic Support

module of your course.


Module Ten Presentation Rubric

Criteria Exemplary (100%) Not Evident (0%) Value

Selection of Audience Describes selected audience and how audience would be impacted

by the quality improvement initiative

Does not attempt criterion 15

Metric Analysis and

Opportunity for

Improvement Description

Describes relevant information for audience from the �rst two

parts of course project related to metric analysis and process for

identifying an opportunity for improvement

Does not attempt criterion 15

Quality Improvement

Initiative Recommendation


Describes quality improvement initiative for selected audience,

including information that would generate enthusiasm for the

quality improvement initiative

Does not attempt criterion 15

How Presentation Will

Persuade and Generate


Discusses techniques used in other sections of presentation to

persuade and generate enthusiasm for the initiative from selected


Does not attempt criterion 20

How Presentation Will

Change Behavior

Discusses techniques used in other sections of presentation to

encourage selected audience to change behavior related to the


Does not attempt criterion 20

Articulation of Response Clearly conveys meaning with correct grammar, sentence

structure, and spelling, demonstrating an understanding of

audience and purpose

Submission has critical errors in grammar, sentence structure, and

spelling, preventing understanding of ideas


Total: 100%

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