If one takes a sample of pairs of points over a narrow

Question 1

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If one takes a sample of pairs of points over a narrow range of X or Y scores, what effect might this have on the value of r?

Question 2

0.25 out of 0.25 points

What is the slope for the points X1 = 30, Y1 = 50 and X2 = 25 and Y2 = 40?

Question 3

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A z distribution always is normally shaped.

Question 4

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a linear relationship all the points must fall on a straight line.


Question 5

0.25 out of 0.25 points

It is possible to compute a coefficient of correlation if one is given _________.

Question 6

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A researcher wanted to know if the order in which runners finish a race is correlated with their weight. She conducts an experiment and the data are given below.

Finishing order







Weight (lbs)







What is the appropriate correlation coefficient for these data?

Question 7

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A raw score that is 1 standard deviation above the mean of the raw score distribution will have a z score of 1.

Question 8

0 out of 0.25 points

The standard deviation of the z distribution equals _________.

Question 9

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A z score is a transformed score.


Question 10

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By changing the value of one score in a sample this will necessarily cause the mode to change.


Question 11

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If one calculates r for a set of numbers and then adds a constant to each value of one of the variables, the correlation will change.

Question 12

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A correlation coefficient expresses quantitatively the degree of relationship between two variables.

Selected Answer:

Question 13

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The standard deviation of the z distribution equals _________.

Question 14

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The mean of the z distribution equals _________.

Question 15

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The closer the points on a scatter diagram fall to the regression line, the _________ between the scores.

Question 16

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The range of a correlation coefficient is 0 to +1.

Question 17

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The use of z scores allows comparisons between variables measured on different scales and units.

Question 18

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a bell-shaped distribution, _________.

Question 19

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A testing bureau reports that the mean for the population of Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores is 500 with a standard deviation of 90. The scores are normally distributed.

The percentile rank of a score of 667 is _________.

Question 20

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a negatively skewed distribution, the mean will generally be _______ the median.

Question 21

0.25 out of 0.25 points

All standard scores are z scores.


Question 22

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A distribution has a mean of 60.0 and a standard deviation of 4.3. The raw score corresponding to a z score of -1.51 is _________.

Question 23

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A distribution has a mean of 60.0 and a standard deviation of 4.3. The raw score corresponding to a z score of 0.00 is _________.

Question 24

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A correlation coefficient expresses the direction but not the magnitude of a relationship.


Question 25

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The normal curve is a symmetric, bell-shaped curve.


Question 26

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When calculating the population standard deviation, we use N – 1 in the denominator.


Question 27

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The correlation coefficient when N = 2 is meaningless.

Question 28

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If a group of 100 people has an average IQ of 107 and a group of 50 people has an average IQ of 101, the average IQ of all the people is 105.

Question 29

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A stockbroker has kept a daily record of the value of a particular stock over the years and finds that prices of the stock form a normal distribution with a mean of $8.52 with a standard deviation of $2.38.

The percentage of scores that lie between $9.00 and $10.00 is _________.

Question 30

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a plot of the normal curve, frequency is plotted on the X axis.


Question 31

0.25 out of 0.25 points

It is possible to have a set of scores with three different values for central tendency.


Question 32

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A deviation score is the same thing as a raw score.


Question 33

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A testing bureau reports that the mean for the population of Graduate Record Exam (GRE) scores is 500 with a standard deviation of 90. The scores are normally distributed.

The proportion of scores that lie above 650 is _________.

Question 34

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Causation implies correlation.


Question 35

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Which of the following is (are) not correlation coefficients?

Question 36

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We use N – 1 in the denominator of the equation for calculating the sample standard deviation because it provides us with an accurate estimate of the population standard deviation.

Question 37

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Which of the following statements is true?

Question 38

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The mean is the most sensitive measure of central tendency to extreme scores.


Question 39

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Which Pearson correlation coefficient shows the strongest relationship between two variables?

Question 40

0.25 out of 0.25 points

An industrial psychologist observed 8 drill-press operators for one working day. She recorded the number of times each operator pressed the “faster” button instead of the “stop” button to determine whether the design of the control panel was contributing to the high rate of accidents in the plant. The resulting scores were as follows:

5, 2, 8, 2, 3, 2, 4, 12

The standard deviation for this distribution is _________. Assume sample data.

Question 41

0 out of 0.25 points

Central tendency and variability are synonymous.


Question 42

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The correlation coefficient r is a descriptive statistic.


Question 43

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If the value of r on ratio scaled raw data were 0.87 and the pairs of numbers were converted to ordinal data, and r calculated for the ordinal data, r would equal 0.87.


Question 44

0.25 out of 0.25 points

An industrial psychologist observed 8 drill-press operators for one working day. She recorded the number of times each operator pressed the “faster” button instead of the “stop” button to determine whether the design of the control panel was contributing to the high rate of accidents in the plant. The resulting scores were as follows:

5, 2, 8, 2, 3, 2, 4, 12

The variance for this distribution is _________. Assume sample data.

Question 45

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Assume one has a set of 35 scores with = 100 and s = 9. If 5 scores, each equal to 100 were added to the distribution, what effect would this have on ?

Question 46

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A testing service has 1000 raw scores. It wants to transform the distribution so that the mean = 10 and the standard deviation = 1. To do so, _________.

Question 47

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the following set of scores

X: 10, 12, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 13, 5, 0, 1

What is the median?

Question 48

0.25 out of 0.25 points

r decreases as N decreases.


Question 49

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The standard deviation of the z distribution is always equal to 1.0.

Question 50

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If a correlation is perfect,

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