If the correlation between two sets of scores is 0 and one had

Question 1

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If the correlation between two sets of scores is 0 and one had to predict the value of Y for any given value of X, the best prediction of Y would be _________.

Question 2

5 out of 5 points

If = 57.2, = 84.6, and bY = 0.37, the value of aY = _________.

Question 3

0 out of 5 points

For the following points what would you predict to be the value of Y’ when X = 19? Assume a linear relationship.











Question 4

0 out of 5 points

During the past 5 years there has been an inflationary trend. Listed below is the average cost of a gallon of milk for each year.











Assuming a linear relationship exists, and that the relationship continues unchanged through 1986, what would you predict for the average cost of a gallon of milk in 1986?

Question 5

5 out of 5 points

In multiple regression, if the second predictor variable correlates highly with the predicted variable, than it is quite likely that _________.

Question 6

5 out of 5 points

The least-squares regression line minimizes _________.

Question 7

5 out of 5 points

There is ________ between the sY½X and r.

Question 8

5 out of 5 points

The points (0,5) and (5,10) fall on the regression line for a perfect positive linear relationship. What is the regression equation for this relationship?

Question 9

5 out of 5 points

If N = 8, S X = 160, S X2 = 4656, S Y = 79, S Y2 = 1309, and S XY = 2430, what is the value of bY?

Question 10

5 out of 5 points

A researcher collects data on the relationship between the amount of daily exercise an individual gets and the percent body fat of the individual. The following scores are recorded.







Exercise (min)






% Fat






Based on the above data, if an individual exercises 20 minutes daily, his predicted % body fat would be _________.

Question 11

0 out of 5 points

If the value of = 4.00 for relationship A and = 5.25 for relationship B, in which relationship would you have the most confidence in a particular prediction?

Question 12

5 out of 5 points

If the value for aY is negative, the relationship between X and Y is _________.

Question 13

5 out of 5 points

In the regression equation Y’ = X, the Y-intercept is _________.

Question 14

5 out of 5 points

If X and Y are transformed into z scores, and the slope of the regression line of the z scores is -0.80, what is the value of the correlation coefficient?

Question 15

5 out of 5 points

When predicting Y from two variables relative to using only one variable, _________.

Question 16

5 out of 5 points

When the relation between X and Y is imperfect, the prediction of Y given X is _________.

Question 17

0 out of 5 points

What would you predict for the value of Y for the point where the value of X is ?

Question 18

0 out of 5 points

If r = 0.4582, sY = 3.4383, and sX = 5.2165, the value of bY = _________.

Question 19

5 out of 5 points

If bY is negative, higher values of X are associated with _________.

Question 20

5 out of 5 points

The symbol for the standard error of estimate when predicting Y given X is _________.

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