If the odds in favor of an event occurring are 9 to 1

Question 1

4 out of 4 points

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If the odds in favor of an event occurring are 9 to 1, the probability of the event occurring is _________.

Question 2

4 out of 4 points

A “hungry” undergraduate student was looking for a way of making some extra money. The student turned to a life of vice – gambling. To be a good gambler, he needed to know the probability of certain events. Help him out by answering the following question.

The probability of drawing a face card (king, queen or jack) of any suit from a deck of 52 ordinary playing cards in one draw is _________.

Question 3

4 out of 4 points

When events A and B are mutually exclusive but not exhaustive, p(A or B) equals _________.

Question 4

4 out of 4 points

If μ = 400 and s = 100 the probability of selecting at random a score less than or equal to 370 equals _________.

Question 5

4 out of 4 points

If a stranger gives you a coin and you toss it 1,000,000 times and it lands on heads 600,000 times, what is p(Heads) for that coin?

Question 6

4 out of 4 points

If a town of 7000 people has 4000 females in it, then the probability of randomly selecting 6 females in six draws (with replacement) equals _________.

Question 7

4 out of 4 points

If p(A and B) = 0, then A and B must be _________.

Question 8

4 out of 4 points

The probability of correctly guessing a two digit number is _________.

Question 9

4 out of 4 points

A posteriori probability refers to _________.

Question 10

4 out of 4 points

Two events are independent if _________.

Question 11

4 out of 4 points

The probability of throwing two ones with a pair of dice equals _________.

Question 12

4 out of 4 points

Which of the following are examples of mutually exclusive events?

Question 13

4 out of 4 points

The probability of rolling an even number or a one on a throw of a single die equals _________.

Question 14

0 out of 4 points

Assume you are rolling two fair dice once. The probability of obtaining a sum of 5 equals _________.

Question 15

4 out of 4 points

The Addition Rule states _________.

Question 16

4 out of 4 points

A set of events is exhaustive if _________.

Question 17

4 out of 4 points

If p(A)p(B|A) = p(A)p(B), then A and B must be _________.

Question 18

4 out of 4 points

Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock are engaged in a 3-D backgammon playoff, a game employing 6 dice. Kirk asks Spock the probability of rolling the dice and observing 6 sixes. Assume the dice are not biased. Spock’s correct a priori reply is _________.

Question 19

4 out of 4 points

If you have 15 red socks (individual, not pairs), 24 green socks, 17 blue socks, and 100 black socks, what is the probability you will reach in the drawer and randomly select a pair of green socks? (Assume sampling without replacement.)

Question 20

4 out of 4 points

A sample is random if _________.

Question 21

4 out of 4 points

A certain university maintains a colony of male mice for research purposes. The ages of the mice are normally distributed with a mean of 60 days and a standard deviation of 5.2. Assume you randomly sample one mouse from the colony. The probability his age will be greater than 68 is _________.

Question 22

0 out of 4 points

The probability of correctly calling 4 tosses of an unbiased coin in a row equals _________.

Question 23

4 out of 4 points

If μ = 35.2 and s = 10, then p(X) for X £ 39 equals _________. Assume random sampling.

Question 24

4 out of 4 points

A “hungry” undergraduate student was looking for a way of making some extra money. The student turned to a life of vice – gambling. To be a good gambler, he needed to know the probability of certain events. Help him out by answering the following question


A royal flush in poker is when you end up with the ace, king, queen, jack, and 10 of the same suit. It’s the most rare event in poker. If you are playing with a well- shuffled, legitimate deck of 52 cards, what is the probability that if you are dealt 5 cards, you will have a royal flush? Assume randomness.

Question 25

4 out of 4 points

If A and B are mutually exclusive and exhaustive, then p(A and B) = _________.

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