SIMULATION REPORT: Portfolio Management Activity

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Due Date: Final Exam’s Date Value: 6% final grade

The goal of this report is to analyze your Stocktrak transactions done during the period of the simulation in the class of Investment Planning. In order to get the maximum grade you have to produce a report with the following sections: Section 1: Transactions Log: In this section, you have to give a report of all your

transactions during the period of simulation. This record should include, the following information: ticker symbol, number of shares traded (or amount traded), date of transaction, type of transaction.

You have to do at least one transaction per week. FOR EXTRA POINT: For every transaction, explain briefly what makes you decide

to trade (buy or sell). Notes in Stocktrak Section 2: Measurement of return and risk. In this section, you have to calculate your

weekly HPR (return), and a whole period standard deviation (risk) based on the HPR’s.

FOR EXTRA POINT: Calculate the beta of your portfolio at two points in time:

September 10th and November 30th. Compare them and explain why they are different. FOR EXTRA POINT: Find your Sharpe Ratio and your Alpha Jensen in Stocktrak. Explain the meaning of that two numbers.

Section 3: Conclusions. Finally, you have to write in no more than one page what was your

investments strategy and how you made decisions about what to buy, hold or sell. Compare your strategy at the beginning of the semester with the same at the end. Does this strategy changed? Also, if these decisions give you a good or bad result in your whole portfolio.


Note: This assignment will be graded based not only on calculations but also format and quality of conclusions.

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