NR525 Full Course Latest November 2018

NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 1 Discussion

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Personal Philosophy of Teaching and Learning

Write your personal philosophy of teaching and learning that will guide your future career as a nurse educator.  Your philosophy should include beliefs about teaching and learning supported by evidence based practice on educational theory.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Teaching and Learning

There has been an educational paradigm shift from a focus on teaching to learning. Consider the following statement in light of the shift from teaching to learning: “Teachers don’t fail students; students fail themselves.” Do you agree or disagree? Provide examples that support your position.

DQ2 Learning Styles

As the shift from teaching to learning has occurred, more emphasis has been placed on differing learning styles. After completing the  learning styles inventory  (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., identify your primary learning style. Were you surprised by the results of the questionnaire? Think back to the methods of instruction that you received in high school and your undergraduate nursing education. Did the method of instruction fit with your learning style? Identify one or two changes in instruction that may have been helpful to you in undergraduate education.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 3 Discussion

Case Study Part I

Part I of the case study opens on Sunday and will close on Wednesday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part I once it closes on Wednesday.

In this part of the case study you are to identify a minimum of 2 key questions for the student and 2 key questions for the faculty member that are relevant to the grievance. A rationale for each question is to be provided. A scholarly article supporting this part of the discussion is to be included in the initial post.

Part II will open on Wednesday of the week and close on Saturday of the week. You cannot add additional information to Part II once it closes on Saturday.

In this part of the case study, you are to review a minimum of one skills policy and answer the questions identified in part two of the case study. You are to provide the web address of the skills policy. Please note: Course/school policies are not the same as a skills policy.

Part III will open on Thursday of the week and close on Sunday of the week.

In this part of the case study, you are to summarize three (3) key points in determining a decision in a grievance. You are to make a clearly identified decision about this grievance.

There is to be a minimum of 5 total posts.

Part one of the case study: Initial post and peer response

Part two of the case study: Initial post and peer response

Part three of the case study: Initial post

Part I: Failure of the Skills Exam

You are the chair of the grievance committee at ABC Community College. On Monday morning, you open your e-mail and find a grievance form from Susie Student. Susie is a second-semester nursing student at the college. The grievance form states that she has failed the Final Skills Exam on sterile technique. The Nursing Skills Policy states that if a student fails any Skills Exam, the student fails the course. Susie is challenging the failure, stating that the faculty member who observed and graded her performance used excessive personal interpretation of the skills and its published guidelines.

As the chair of the grievance committee, it is your responsibility to separately interview the faculty member who did the evaluation and Susie Student.

Questions for Part I:

Identify specific questions that you would ask Susie and the faculty member. Identify a minimum of two relevant questions for Susie and two for the faculty member.

Why are these questions relevant to the decision of the grievance committee?

Case Study Part II

Part II: Organizational Policy

Now, focus on the Skills Policy of the organization. You can use many resources to find some examples of Skills Policy on the Internet. Focus on the second part of the case study by asking the following questions:

Questions for Part II:

Does the policy describe the number of times that a student may repeat a skills test?

Does the policy describe any remediation needed prior to a repeat of the skills testing?

Does the policy describe the consequences of failing the skills testing?

Does the policy describe how the skills testing will be evaluated (graded, pass/fail, points assigned).

Case Study Part III Summary and Decision

Prior to the end of the week, summarize the findings of the case study.  The summary post is to identify at least three (3) key points about the skills policy and faculty preparation as well as your decision on the grievance. Does Susie Student fail the course or will she be allowed to repeat the skills testing and move on in the program? State a rationale for your decision.

NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 4 Discussion

Engaging Learners

You are the faculty member presenting a very complex subject, and when you look at the students, you see that they are totally lost. Identify immediate actions and techniques that you could use to regain the attention of the learners and foster understanding of the content.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 5 Discussion

Replacement of Clinical Hours with Simulation

It is becoming more difficult to find adequate clinical facilities for student experiences. In addition, there is no guarantee of students being able to participate in all aspects of patient care. Due to these and other issues, some nursing schools have begun to substitute simulation experiences for clinical experiences. In this discussion question, debate, the pros and cons regarding the use of high-fidelity simulation to replace clinical hours for nursing students? Also, discuss the regulations from the state board of nursing in your state about using simulation to replace clinical hours?


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 6 Discussion

Gaming for Learning

You are having a discussion with another nurse educator about the advantages of using gaming to teach key concepts in nursing. The other educator states that real learning cannot be achieved by using games. Provide a response that debates the advantages and disadvantages of using games as a part of learning.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Students’ Rights

You have some concerns about one of the students in your class.  You have a good friend who is a faculty member in the English Department and you ask him to come to your private office to talk about the student.   About ten minutes into the conversation, you turn toward the door and see the specific student standing in your office doorway. Obviously, she has been listening to the conversation for a while.  Have any legal or ethical rights of the student been breached? Debate what you would do next? 

DQ2 Presentation of an Instructional Method

Post your Topic Related to Instructional Strategies presentation here, which you submitted as a graded assignment from Week 6.

NR525_W7_TD_Presentation of an Instruction MethodLinks to an external site.

Adding the PowerPoint Show as a Response in the Discussion:

When you are ready to share your Week 6 Graded Assignment presentation, select the REPLY in the Week 7 Instructional Strategies presentation discussion, below.

Enter the Subject and a brief statement of your presentation. To add the PowerPoint Show, you will select Add/Remove File.

You will see a popup allowing you to browse your computer to upload the presentation. Be sure to select the file that is a “Show”.

Select the PowerPoint Show; note the icon is different from the Presentation file; you will see the presentation loading. Once the file has loaded, you will see the attachment below the text box.

Select Post Response; Now you can view your own presentation and read your peers’ responses.

Please review and comment on two of the topics posted by two of your classmates. After viewing a presentation, respond to your peer, identifying the following:

What would you consider to be the two greatest strengths in each of the presentations and what are two areas for improvement in each of the presentations?”.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 8 Discussion


The course is completed! Using reflective thinking skills, consider all of the aspects of this course: What have you learned in these past weeks, and how will this be applicable to your future practice? How will you use the concepts in this course to identify, guide and evaluate the final MSN practicum project?


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 4 Teaching Plan


The purpose of this assignment is to assist the learner in applying instructional methods in the development of a teaching plan. The target audience will be learners within an academic setting or a healthcare setting (patients are not an appropriate target audience). The plan will include development of measurable learning outcomes/objectives for the target audience; a topical outline of the content to be presented; development of instructional methods appropriate to the topic, and development of evaluation methods appropriate for the topic.


CO 2: Explore instructional strategies reflective of educational theory and evidence-based practice to support person-centered care. (PO 5)

CO 5: Use effective verbal, written, and electronic communication and informational technologies for educational environments. (PO 3, 4)

Due Date: Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4

Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

Total Points Possible: 225


Develop a formal teaching plan for a target audience in a nursing academic or healthcare setting (do not develop a teaching plan for patients) Use the template provided to prepare and submit the teaching plan.

Preparing the paper

This assignment will be submitted to the faculty member, using the template provided.  The teaching plan is to include the following information:

Topic/title of presentation

Description of target audience

Program description

Learning objectives written in measurable terms and appropriate for the target audience

Course objectives

Unit objectives

Topical outline of content to be presented (Instructional methods to be used including the rationale for the selection of the instructional method.

Learning resources/materials used by the instructor for preparation and student assignments.

Methods of evaluation

Presented using the Teaching Plan grid. Format for references is to be completely consistent with APA format, 6th edition.

A minimum of three (3) current resources related to the topic chosen for the presentation are to be included.


NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 6 Instructional Strategies Presentation & Evaluation


The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for learners to: (a) demonstrate knowledge related to a self-selected instructional method topic, (b) present the topic to peers while demonstrating appropriate instructional methodology, (c) present the content in a professional manner, (d) share beneficial instructional techniques or methods with peers and (e) provide a self-critique of the presentation.


This is a two-part assignment:  The first part of the assignment is a presentation on an instructional method/issue related to nursing education.  The presentation will be shared with classmates via PowerPoint Show. You can access the directions on creating aPowerPoint Show in Course Resources. Please practice using this presentation tool before working on the assignment.The second part of the assignment is a written paper critiquing your presentation technique. 


1.            The presentation is to include:

o             a brief introduction of the speaker,the selected topic, and the target audience. The target audience is to be nurse educators in either an academic setting or a clinical setting.  The target audience can also be your classmates in this course. 

o             a comprehensive description/explanation of the topic,description of how the topic applies in either a nursing academic setting or clinical health setting

o             adiscussion on the benefits and potential disadvantages or difficulties of the topic

o             a summary of  the  presentation topic

2.            A minimum of seven scholarly references are required for the presentation. Textbooks may not be used as references. The references are to be included in the final page of the critique paper. 

3.            The topic must be presented as an oral presentation with a PowerPointShow included; review Course Resources for resources to guide the audio recording of the presentation.

4.            You will upload your oral presentation and the Critique Paperfor submission in W6 for instructor assessment.

5.            The presentation recording will also beattached in the W7 threaded discussion for classmates to review during Week 7 of the course. 


A scholarly written detailed critique of the student’s own presentation will be developed by the student. 

1.            The critique will include

a.            a self-assessment of the presentation. The self-assessment will address what was done well and what needs to be improved upon going forward. While writing the self-assessment, the following questions are to be addressed: 

•             Was there a brief introduction of the speaker, the selected topic, and the target audience

•             Was the purpose of the presentation clear?

•             Was the topic appropriate for audience?

•             Was application of the topic in either a nursing academic setting or health setting clearly stated?

•             Were the main points of the presentation clear?

•             Was the body of the presentation clearly organized?

•             Were sources used and appropriately cited?

•             Was the topic well explained?

•             Were the benefits and potential disadvantages clearly identified

•             Did the speaker summarize the presentation?

•             Did the speaker include a strong close?

•             Did the visual aids add to speech?

•             Were the visual aids easy to read and not crowded with words?

•             Was the appearance of the presentation professional?

b.            a self-assessment of the delivery skills. The self-assessment will address what was done well and what needs to be improved upon going forward. While writing the self-assessment, the following questions are to be addressed:

a.            The speaker presented the content in a clear and easy to understand manner.

b.            The speaker varied the pace of the presentation, using pauses to aid the understandability of the topic.

c.             The speaker used language appropriate for the audience

d.            The speaker had an easy transition between sections of the presentation

e.            The speaker was easy to hear and sounded conversational

f.             If the speaker used humor, it was appropriate for the target audience

g.            The speaker avoided jargon if necessary

h.            Vocal fillers (“um,” “uh,” “like”) were under control

i.              The speaker made the presentation interesting to the audience

Instructional Methods Topics:

From the topic list noted below, select a topic of interest.  If a learner would like to self-identify a topic, it must be approved by the course instructor.  Students are to identify the selected topic in the Week 3 discussion thread marked Instructional Method Topic Selection. Students are not to choose a topic already selected by another student

The following topics, from which a student may select, are provided only to assist the learner and not to limit topic selection:

•             Retention of learning

•             Resolving grade disputes

•             Teaching value-sensitive subjects

•             Uncivil behaviors demonstrated by learners

•             Problem-based learning

•             Reflective practice by learners

•             Clinical preceptors

•             Misbehavior by a faculty member

•             Learners who have a visual, auditory, or other physical disability

•             Using humor in the classroom environment

•             Developmental characteristics and readiness to learn (i.e. children, adolescents, adults)

•             Advantages/Disadvantages related to using standardized tests to determine learner’s graduation from a nursing program

•             Advantages/Disadvantages related to using teacher-made exams within web-based courses

•             Concept-Based Curriculum vs. Traditional Medical Model

•             Competency-Based Curriculum •             Learner’s with limited skills in mathematics

•             Learner’s with limited skills in reading comprehension

•             Substance-impaired learners

•             Maintaining records of students’ performance

•             Working with students who are older than the faculty member

•             Maintaining academic honesty in a classroom setting

•             Making clinical assignments for learners

•             Teaching in a non-academic setting (i.e. community, home health)

•             Health status and readiness to learn

•             Resolving concerns related to large class size (i.e. 75+ learners)

•             Advantages/Disadvantages related to using concept maps vs. nursing care plans

•             Flipping the classroom

•             Students with English as a second language

•             Engaging Millennial Learners




NR525 Theoretical Foundations and Instructional Strategies in Teaching and Learning

Week 1 Quiz

Question 1

Identify the  correctly formatted reference for the following journal article:

Authors: Maureen Shawn Kennedy, MA, RN, Jane Barnsteiner, PhD, RN, FAAN, and John Daly, PhD, RN, FACN, FANN.

Title of article: Honorary and ghost authorship in Nursing Publications.

  Kennedy, M., Barnsteiner, J., & Daly, J. (2014).  Honorary And Ghost Authorship in  Nursing Publications.  Journal Of Nursing Scholarship, 46(6), 416-422.  doi: 10.1111/jnu.12093.

  Kennedy, M., Barnsteiner, J., & Daly, J. (2014).  Honorary and ghost authorship in nursing publications.  Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(6), 416-422.  doi: 10.1111/jnu.12093.

  Kennedy, M.S., Barnsteiner, J., & Daly, J. (2014).  Honorary and ghost authorship in nursing publications.  Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(6), 416-422.  doi: 10.1111/jnu.12093.

   Kennedy, M., Barnsteiner, J., & Daly, J. (2014).  Honorary and ghost authorship in nursing publications.  Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46.  doi: 10.1111/jnu.12093.

Question 2

In the above referenced article, on page 418 the authors state “The prevalence of articles with honorary authors was 42.%, and the prevalence for ghost authorship was 27.6%”.   Choose the correctly formatted initial direct quotation.


  Kennedy, Barnsteiner, and Daly (2014) state “the prevalence of articles with honorary authors was 42.%, and the prevalence for ghost authorship was 27.6%” (p. 418).

   Kennedy, Barnsteiner and Daly state “The prevalence of articles with honorary authors was 42.%, and the prevalence for ghost authorship was 27.6%”(2014).

  Kennedy et al state “The prevalence of articles with honorary authors was 42.%, and the prevalence for ghost authorship was 27.6%” (2014, p. 418).

  Kennedy, M., Barnsteiner, J.,& Daly, J. state “The prevalence of articles with honorary authors was 42.%, and the prevalence for ghost authorship was 27.6%” (2014).


Question 3

The Running head is used in scholarly work. Which is a correctly formatted running head for the title page of the article “Honorary and ghost authorship in nursing publications”.

  Honorary and ghost authorship in nursing publications





Question 4

Go to the NIH website and locate the article titled “Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health approaches”.  Identify the correctly formatted reference for the article.

  National Institutes of health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), (2014). Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337). Retrieved from to an external site.

  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2014). Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337). Retrieved from to an external site.

  U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, National Institutes of Health, (2014). Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary Health approaches.  (NCCAM Publication No: D337). Retrieved from to an external site.

  National Institutes of Health, National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM). (2014). Finding and evaluating online resources on complementary health approaches. (NCCAM Publication No: D337).  Retrieved from to an external site.



Question 5

E-books are used frequentlty in courses.  Identify the correct format for a full reference for chapter 5 in the Bradshaw & Hultquist E-textbook in this course.

  Bradshaw, M, & Hultquist, B.  (2017). Clinical reasoning:  Action-focused thinking. Tucker, & M.Bradshaw (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies (pp. 59-69). Retrieved from to an external site.

  Tucker, C. & Bradshaw, M. (2014).  Clinical reasoning:  Action-focused thinking. In Bradshaw. M. &  Hultquist, B. (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies (pp. 59-69). Retrieved from to an external site.

  Tucker, C. & Bradshaw, M.  (2017).  Clinical reasoning:  Action-focused thinking. In M. Bradshaw & B. Hultquist (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies (pp. 59-69).  Retrieved from to an external site.

  Tucker, & Bradshaw (2014).  Clinical reasoning:  Action-focused thinking. In Bradshaw & Hultquist (Eds.), Innovative teaching strategies (pp. 59-69).  Retrieved from to an external site.


Question 6

Choose the correct citation for this article in the text of a paper or discussion post  for the first time? 

Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Xu, G., Zhang, H., & Wang, A. (2013). Web-based distance learning for nurse education: A systematic review. International Nursing Review, 60(2), 167-177. doi:10.1111/inr.12015

  Du, et al. (2013)

  Du, S., Liu, Z., Liu, S., Yin, H., Xu, G., Zhang, H. and Wang, A. (2013)

  Du et al. (2013)

  Du, Liu, Liu, Yin, Xu, Zhang, and Wnag, (2013)


Question 7

Identify the corrrectly formated reference for lecture notes using the following information:

College: Chamberlain College of Nursing

  Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2015). NR 525 Theoretical Foundations. Downers Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group

  Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2015). NR 525 Week 1: Learners [online lesson]. Downers  Grove, IL: DeVry Education Group.

  NR 525 Week 1: Learners [online lesson]. Chamberlain College of Nursing

  Chamberlain College of Nursing. (2015). NR 525 Week 1: Learners [online lesson]. Retrieved from:


Question 8

Choose the correctly formatted reference for the following chapter in a textbook.

Chapter: Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. Author: L. Dunphy. Book editors:M.E. Parker and M.C. Smith. Book Title: Nursing theories and nursing practice. Third edition. Published in 2010 by F. A. Davis Company in Philadelphia, PA. Chapter covers pages 35-53

  Parker, M & Smith, M. (2010). Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In Dunphy, L.  Nursing theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). (pp. 35-53). Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company

Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In M. E. Parker & M.C. Smith (Eds.), Nursing theories and nursing practice. (pp. 35-53).  Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis Company

  Dunphy, L. (2010). Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. Parker, M. E. & Smith, M. (Eds.) Nursing theories and nursing practice. (3rd ed.). (pp. 35-53). Philadelph, PA: F.A. Davis Company.

  Parker, M.E., & Smith, M. (2010). Florence Nightingale’s legacy of caring and its application. In Dunphy, L. (Ed) Nursing theories and nursing practice. (pp. 35-53) Philadelphi

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