NR526 All Assignments Latest November 2018

NR526 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

Week 2 Annotated Webliography Teacher Resources for the 3Ps

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The purpose of this assignment is to provide educator students with resources for teaching pathophysiology, pharmacology and health (physical) assessment. Students will share their resources with each other in the Week 2 discussion threads after submitting their assignment for grading. You are asking the question: “Where can educators find credible images, videos, audio files, games, puzzles, and the like that can enrich their skills for teaching the 3Ps?”

Note: Generally, .gov and .org sites are considered to be more credible, but sometimes the nonprofit status of an .org site is unclear and often .com sites provide professional blogs and useful information. The transparency of the site is important: to credibility. Who owns the site and what is their agenda?

You may remark on your fellow students’ webliography in the thread, though this isn’t required. This assignment is meant to be a brainstorming assignment – just trying to see how many good resources you can come up with as a class.


In this assignment, you will use the template on the next page todevelop an annotated webliography, consisting of the following:

1.            Your name in the top row.

2.            The URL (web address) of each of three websites.

3.            A brief general description of each website.

4.            A statement abouthow/why thiswebsite is useful in teaching the 3Ps.

5.            A brief discussion of the credibility of the site, including transparency of the owner(s).


Copy the template on the next page into a blank MS Word document.

Place your name in the top row. In each subsequent row, provide the URL and a four-five sentence annotation of the site, covering a brief description of what it offers, why it is useful in teaching the 3Ps, and its credibility for professional use.

Note that the APAtitle page and reference list are not required. Simply fill out the following template and submit it to (1) get graded and (2) the designated discussion thread.


Student Name:

Web Source 1 URL:


Web Source 2 URL:


Web Source 3 URL:



Category              Potential Points                Points Awarded                Feedback

Provides URL and annotation 1  7                             

Provides URL and annotation 2  7                             

Provides URL and annotation 3  7                             

Submits to Week 2 threaded discussions              4                             

Total:     25 points                             


NR526 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

Week 2 Case Study Topic Approval

The Case Study Approval is due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 2. The guidelines for this assignment are listed below.


The purpose of this assignment is to obtain approval from your NR526 instructor to use a complex health problem topic in your Week 5 Case Study.

Students are given the opportunity to request an extension on assignments for emergent situations. Supporting documentation must be submitted to the assigned faculty. If the student’s request is not approved, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

If the student’s request is approved, the student will be informed of the revised due date. Should the student fail to meet the revised due date, the assignment is graded and a late penalty is applied as follows:

Monday = 10% of total possible point reduction

Tuesday = 20% of total possible point reduction

Wednesday = 30% of total possible point reduction

Total Points Possible: 25

Submit this form in Week 2. Tell your instructor what topic you would like to apply in your Case Study. Your instructor will indicate approval or disapproval in this form:

Faculty Feedback Table


Student Topic:

Approved (Instructor, type your name to the right):

Points awarded (25 possible):






NR526 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

Week 3 Clinical Questioning Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to provide educator students with a tool for working with nursing students and staff members when they are caring for complex healthcare cases.


In this assignment you are the nursing professional development specialist (NPD specialist, formerly called the “staff educator”) assisting your assigned new graduate nurse in applying the nursing process. In the role of NPD specialist, you will not only take care of your patient at an advanced level, incorporating advanced physical assessment findings, associated pathophysiologic mechanisms that underlie the presenting disease, and theappropriate pharmacologic treatment approach, you will also consider the educational needs of your orientee.

1.            Review Charles Gibson’s electronic health record, which providesinformation that is necessary to care for him in Second Life (SL) in the Emergency Department.

2.            Meet and greet Charles Gibson and his wife, obtaining pertinent health history information as prompted.

3.            Take special note of the objective and subjective data obtained, including the National Institute of Health (NIH) Scale for Stroke score and the prescriber’s orders.

4.            As you develop this assignment, remember that you needat least two peer-reviewed references.

5.            Be sure that your assignment has a cover page and a reference list with proper APA formatting.


While your patient, Charles Gibson, is in CT scan, you are to take some time to reflect with your orientee. This assignment requires you to develop five reflective questions that pertain to your mutual case, Charles Gibson.Use the NR526_W3_Clinical_Questioning_Templatefound in “Course Resources” to complete this assignment.

1.            Develop a question that pertains to the first five minutes that you spent with the patient. Stop and consider what would be obvious to you as an expert clinician, but would not be obvious to the developing graduate nurse.Your question can be a two-part question or a one-part question. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, andadequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

2.            Develop a question that addresses the prescriber’s orders. Is there an order that exemplifies a treatment approach for “brain attack”? How would you promote critical thought for a new graduate in order to support his or heranalysis and evaluation of new orders?Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed.Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, andadequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

3.            Develop a question that stimulates the graduate nurse to think about the pathophysiologic basis for the patient’s presenting disease. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, andadequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

4.            Develop a second question that has the graduate nurse think about the pathophysiologic basis for the patient’s presenting disease. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed.Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, andadequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)

5.            Develop a question of your choice about this case.Consider where you were on the learning curve as a graduate nurse.Consider how you would promote critical thought and developing knowledge for a graduate nurse. Provide the appropriate answer to the question that you posed. Be sure your answer includes references, proper citations, andadequate detail to support a comprehensive answer. (The answer should be approximately 100 words.)


Category              Potential Points                Points Awarded                Feedback

Questions           75                          

Answers              75                          

Applies Advanced Pathophysiology, Physical assessment and Pharmacology       75                         

Grammar, spelling, syntax, and punctuation        15                          

APA title page, citations, and reference page      10                          

Total      Potential Points=

250         Points Awarded =           


NR526 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

Week 5 Case Study Assignment


The purpose of the Case Study assignment is to help students apply and integrate pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health (physical) assessment into simulations of nursing care. Note that case studies such as this can be used as a class discussion and as a case study for various forms of simulation.


Students will develop a case study that represents a complex health problem of their choice and that could be used in a high-fidelity simulation lab. Your topic should have been approved by your instructor in Week 2. Provide details in your case study related to the (1) modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors represented in your patient, (2) presenting signs and symptoms the patient displays, (3) psychosocial factors,(4) prescribed pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions, and (5) laboratory and other diagnostic tests.

The case study should start with objectives for the simulation, stated as what the student will do or display and by when (see below). Thereafter, the patient should be presented, along with three questions you will ask your students about the case.


1.            Identify a complex health problemthat could be used in a high-fidelity simulation lab to teach undergraduate nursing students good clinical reasoning and critical thinking skills. Your topic should have been approved by your instructor in Week 4

2.            Use the NR526 Case Study Template to develop your assignment. Your focus is on developing a case study rather than on developing a simulation.

3.            Provide at least five (5) objectives for your case study, corresponding with the major lessons you plan for your students.

a.            The objectives should begin with- “At the end of this simulation, the learner will ….”Or “At the end of this simulation, the student will ….”

b.            The objectives should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time specific. When you examine your objectives, ask yourself how you will know your students have met them. For example, “learn” and “understand” are not specific or measurable. A search on “Bloom’s taxonomy” will yield a multitude of action verbs that you can use instead.

4.            Use the NR526 Case Study Template and provide the following:

a.            The modifiable and unmodifiable risk factors represented in your patient

b.            Presenting signs and symptoms the patient displays

c.             Psychosocial factors, such as the patient’s family structure and function

d.            Prescribed pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical interventions

e.            Laboratory and other diagnostic tests.

5.            Provide three questions that will elicit good clinical reasoning and critical thinking in your undergraduate students as well as rationale for each question that is based on peer-reviewed sources.


NR526 Advanced Pathophysiology, Health Assessment, and Pharmacology for Nurse Educators

Week 7 3 Ps Handout Assignment


The purpose of this assignment is to synthesizeadvanced knowledge of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health (physical) assessment into three handouts for nursing students or staff nurses.


Description of the assignment:  This final NR526 assignment requires you to develop a set of 3 handouts on the topic that you chose for the Week 5 assignment. IMPORTANT: 

In these handouts, you will present an in-depth application of pathophysiology, pharmacology, and health (physical) assessment concepts related to your chosen topic.You should describe at least one concept in each handout but may display multi-concepts if necessary.

You may use your textbooks as references, but you should also have at least one peer-reviewed article as a reference. Clinical practice guidelines are good sources for this assignment but you may use other peer-reviewed articles in which the evidence-based care of patients is presented. Feel free to use images (see information on copyright), concept maps, tables, or anything else you feel will enhance your handout.

Only use media you develop yourself or that you obtain through this page in the Chamberlain Library: You can add web addresses to your handout if you want to link to video or audio files.


Good, relevant, current content is the most important feature of your handouts. For clinical topics, “current” is defined as no more than five years old.

Developing the Handouts

1.            Your first handout should display information about one or more of the drugs related to the complex health situation you are covering. You may want to focus on just one drug but, in some cases, drugs work together or you may want to compare and contrast two similar or alternate drugs.

2.            Your second handout should relate to the pathophysiology of the complex health situation. Examples: How do the various systems interact? What compensatory systems are in play? What is the etiology of this condition?

3.            Your third handout should relate to the necessary physical assessments for your topic. Be as comprehensive and holistic as possible.What is your student looking for?

4.            Three pages should be adequate unless you prefer to add a reference list for all of your handouts at the end. References can also be incorporated in the handout. The idea is that you should provide your students references so they can access your original sources.

5.            You will not be penalized if one of your handouts spills over onto another page.

6.            Please check your handouts for grammatical errors and misspellings before submitting them.


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