NR702 Week 1 Discussion Latest November 2018

NR702 DNP Project & Practicum I

Week 1 Discussion

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Problem of the DNP Project

The discussion this week is intended to introduce your peers to the practice problem associated with your planned project. Within your Week 1 Worksheet you will write the Introduction, Problem Statement, Objectives/Aim(s), as well as the Significance of the Problem sections for your proposal. Please use the NR702 Week 1 Guided Study Worksheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. template to complete this discussion. Students can find the Weekly Guided Study Worksheets under Modules, course resources and course related documents. The guided study worksheet is also attached to this discussion. Follow the guided Study worksheets to ensure that you include all of the detailed information for each section. Information from each guided study worksheet is included in the Week 4 assignment rubric and the week 6 assignment rubric.

Prior to posting your Weekly Worksheets to the Collaborative Discussion forum, submit the document to the Drop-Off Essay Review through Make any needed changes to your paper based on the feedback you receive from the tutoring service. Remember, it can take up to 24 hours to receive feedback from, so be sure to submit your draft to early enough so that you will be able to incorporate feedback, make revisions, and post your assignment to the Collaborative Discussions on time.

Insert Title of Paper Here

Note there is no heading which says Introduction. The paragraph or two following the title on the first page of your text is assumed to be your introduction. Your introduction follows the title of your paper (note it is not bolded).

You should start your introduction with a powerful statement or two to stimulate interest. This section serves to introduce your project to your reader(s). Start this section with a powerful statement or two, which will stimulate interest. Share the purpose of your proposal, as well as a brief overview of what the reader(s) can expect as they read through your paper.

Problem Statement (1-2 paragraphs)

Your introduction section should smoothly transition into your problem statement and it should flow logically from the information you provided.  Include your inquiry question, which will provide direction for your work.  Explain your approach to the problem and how your intervention will address it.  This section should be clear and approximately one concise paragraph.

Objectives and Aims (1 page)

This section should be approximately one page (due to bulleted points below) and explain the aims and objectives of your proposed project. According to O’Leary (2015), proposals have one overarching aim to capture what you hope to achieve through your project; whereas, a set of objectives, which are a set of more specific goals, supports that aim.  Aims and objectives are often written in bullet points as ‘to’ statements, such as, ‘to’ develop, ‘to’ identify, ‘to’ measure, ‘to’ explain, ‘to’ compare. To structure this section, consider using the following type of formatting.

The aim of the proposed DNP project is to change everything in the world. In order to achieve this, the following objectives have been identified, which will serve to guide the DNP scholar during the project:

•             To identify what part of the world the change will occur.

•             To explain the impact of the change among stakeholders.

•             To compare the change to current practice.

Significance of the Practice Problem (1-2 pages)

This section must be 1-2 pages in length. Here you fully elaborate uponthe issue you are addressing, from both a global and the practicum site perspective. Be cognizant to not have extremely long paragraphs, which can be difficult for your reader(s) to follow.  Try to avoid the word “that,” as most sentences can stand alone without their use.

Begin this section by describing the significance of the problem from a global/nationwide perspective as it pertains to nurses, nursing care and healthcare organizations. Include statistical evidence throughout this section to support any and all claims made. Explain the issue and how it impacts patients/families, and communities.  Elaborate upon the issue and how it impacts the “bottom line” when it comes to healthcare costs (think about insurance rates, as well as the lack of reimbursements healthcare organizations might face due to the issue).  Next talk about any impact the issue has on ethical/legal, quality of care, safety of patients, etc. Ensure you “paint a picture” for your reader(s) so they are clear of how impactful the issue is as a whole. Note what you share within the Significance of the Practice Problem section must convince your reader(s) the issue is significant enough to be addressed. 

Follow up by now describing the significance of the problem from the practicum site’s perspective. Explain how the issue impacts nurses, nursing care, and the healthcare organization. How impactful is the issue when it comes to patients/families?  How does it impact the community?  What about insurance companies and/or the “bottom line” of the organization?  Are there any ethical/legal, quality of care or safety concerns?  Elaborate upon everything and then explain if the problem you are addressing is a micro, meso, or macro systems problem.




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