NR702 Week 6 Discussion Latest November 2018

NR702 DNP Project & Practicum I

Week 6 Discussion

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Implementation and Evaluation Plans for the DNP Project

Welcome to our Week Six Collaborative Discussion! Please use the NR702 Week 6 Guided Study Worksheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. template to complete this discussion. Students can find the Weekly Guided Study Worksheets under Modules, course resources and course related documents. The guided study worksheet is also attached to this discussion The discussion this week is associated with the implementation and evaluation plans of your project. Within your Week 6 Worksheet you will write the Implementation Plan/Procedures, Data Collection Procedures, Recruitment and Selection, Data Analysis Plan, Instrumentation, Instrument Reliability and Validity, Ethics and Human Subjects Protection sections of your proposal. This project evaluation process uses research methods and data analysis but is intended to evaluate the effectiveness of your practice change rather than generating new knowledge. You will be establishing the evaluation criteria to determine 1) whether the practice change is occurring as you planned it (i.e., formative evaluation criteria) and 2) if your intervention produced the outcome that you intended (summative evaluation criteria). You will select or develop tools for data collection to reflect the criteria, establish a plan for data collection including data collection points and who will collect the data, and develop a data analysis plan including what statistical tests for the data produced in your project evaluation. Follow the guided Study worksheets to ensure that you include all of the detailed information for each section. Information from each guided study worksheet is included in the Week 4 assignment rubric and the week 6 assignment rubric.

Implementation Plan/Procedures (2-3 pages)

The Implementation Plan is a view into the project which shows what work the project encompasses.  The Plan is the ‘HOW TO’ part of your proposal. This section includes is a detailed description about how you will actualize (from set-up to data collection) and complete your project. You will want to proof read this section carefully because, “our minds think much faster than we can type, and we leave out steps in the process” if we do not proof several times.

Data Collection Procedures         (2-3 pages)

Identify the type of data (i.e., nominal, ordinal, interval, or continuous) produced by the evaluation tool(s). Discuss how you will control extraneous variables. Discuss planned analysis of your evaluation data.Specify the statistical analyses that will be used to answer the project questions and/or test the project hypotheses. Cite literature sources for your discussion of the statistical techniques. Convince your statistician to assist in statistical methods, depending on the types of variables being investigated, specifics of the sample of the study (groups), research design, etc.

Describe all the steps of your project in narrative form, including your plan for implementation and plan for evaluation.  You can use sub headers to define your approach. Include projected recruitment, steps in actualizing the intervention, data collection procedures, and evaluation. You can organize your procedures by stages or phases (pre-intervention, intervention, post intervention) of your project implementation and/or according to a timeline.

Recruitment and Selection

Discuss recruitment and selection of participants or subjects including inclusion and exclusion criteria.  Discuss the quantitative project design and why it is appropriate. Discuss formative and summative criteria for evaluation and time points for the evaluation.

Data Analysis Plan (3-5 pages)

This section must be 3-5 pages in length and must include how you will evaluate the planned change project. Remember your plan must evaluate the outcome(s) identified in your PICOT question.  Fully address how you plan to statistically (quantitatively) analyze the data that you will receive/collect from the measurement instruments you listed above or from other methods you will use to gather data (focus groups, individual discussions, observation, journaling, etc.). In your final work, you will describe the degree to which the results of the project helped you achieve your expected outcomes (met, partially met, and not met).  


Describe and include any tool(s) that are to be used in your project evaluation as Appendices and discuss the reliability and validity of the tool(s). Fully address the statistical planning, if applicable, and the methods of collection such as surveys, interviews, or document analysis.

Include a separate section for each instrument adopted or developed for data collection, whether that might be published instruments, researcher-developed instruments, interview schedules, or test results. Be sure to include information for each instrument on (a) form of the instrument, with sample items and scaling/scoring information. If the data collection instrument requires permission, include a statement in this section and include the letter of permission in the Appendix.

Instrument Reliability and Validity

Include assurances, or at least estimates, or the validity and reliability of the instrument, and reference to an appendix in which the reader will find the complete instrument and all correspondence and directions which will be sent to the respondent subjects in the sample.

Ethics and Human Subjects Protection

Discuss how you will protect human rights and ensure privacy of health information. Finally, articulate in regard to how you will protect the data you collect over time (5-7 years).


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