NR714 Week 7 Module 1 Quiz Latest November 2018

NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 7 Module 1 Quiz

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Question 1

Which of the examples below demonstrates generalizability?

  A commercial endotracheal tube stabilizer was tested in the ICU at a rural hospital and found to be effective in preventing device-related circumoral pressure ulcers. The Chief Nursing Officer has now approved the device to be used in the Burn Unit.


  A new pain medication was shown to be effective in a group of osteoarthritis patients in a major metropolitan city and subsequently has been approved for use for all osteoarthritis patients nationwide.

  A new helmet law was implemented in a Midwestern state. In response to this new legislation, hospital X has begun to give free helmets to patients upon discharge.

  A second generation antihypertensive drug is FDA-approved and added to the DNP curriculum in a major university.


Question 2


Which of the following examples demonstrates transferability?


  You read a research article that reported that music therapy decreased anxiety in pre-operative patients. Subsequently you obtained approval to use music therapy at your hospital with pre-operative patients.

  You identify several key research studies in your hospital’s searchable database and transfer them to your personal files.

  A nurse implements a new evidence-based intervention aimed at reducing ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). He is unable to adhere to the demanding work schedule and is transferred to another unit.

  You conduct a randomized control trial (RCT) with a sample of Myasthenia Gravis patients. You are now able to apply this statistically significant RCT to the general population of Myasthenia Gravis patients.


Question 3


All of the statements are true of transferability EXCEPT:

  If there are sufficient similarities between the research and our own clinical situation, we may be able to infer that the results of the research would be similar in our situation.

  When reading a research article, we note certain characteristics of the study and consider the applicability to our own clinical practice.

  We must know as much as possible about the original research in order to determine if the results are applicable to our own practice.


  We can transfer or apply any study results to our own practice as long as the study was reliable and valid.


Question 4


The concept of transferability is constantly applied in everyday life. Some examples include (Select all that apply)


  A professor sits in on a colleague’s class to see if he can apply new and effective teaching techniques in his own classroom.


  A busy nurse, wife and mother, on her day off watches a cooking show to determine what quick, easy and nutritious meals she can prepare for her family.


  An individual is engaged in a conversation with a friend about the benefits about a new vehicle that would add convenience to her own life.

  A neighbor tells you that he has come up with a new health plan for him and his family and that everyone in the world should adopt this same plan.


Question 5


Examples of generalizability in everyday life include (Select all that apply)

  As health care professionals, we make the assumption that poor diet and lack of exercise puts individuals at risk for diseases such as diabetes and heart disease.

  In the United States, we make the assumption that everyone will drive on the right side of the road.

  We make the generalization that everyone in the United States speaks English and abides by American customs.

  We make the assumption that driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol can lead to accidents.


Question 6


You overhear two nurse colleagues talking about a research study on Diabetes, recently conducted at your hospital. You hear them say, “The results showed that children with Type II Diabetes responded well to a new anti-hyperglycemia drug at our hospital. We can now generalize our findings to women with pregnancy-induced Diabetes.” You are excited to join their conversation. What is the most appropriate response?

  “I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our exciting Diabetes research study. I am excited because women all over the world with pregnancy-induced Diabetes will finally have an effective drug to control their hyperglycemia.”


  “I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our exciting Diabetes research study. Since our study was aimed at children with Type II Diabetes, we cannot generalize our results women with pregnancy-induced Diabetes.”

  “I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our exciting Diabetes research study. We can generalize our findings because we used a nonprobability sample.”

  “I couldn’t help but to overhear your conversation about our exciting Diabetes research study. Generalization is feasible because we have a very large sample size.”


Question 7


You read a research article on a study aimed at reducing central line associated blood stream infections (CLBSIs). The authors report that a detailed protocol using chlorhexidine was statistically significant in reducing CLABSIs by 98% in their study sample of 5678 Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) patients. Which of the following statements is accurate?


  The findings from the CLABSI study can be applied or transferred to a neonatal intensive care unit at your hospital to reduce CLABSIs.

  While the findings are impressive and statistically significant, further research is warranted in NICU patients.

  The findings can be generalized to an adult ICU in a Magnet hospital in Beirut, Lebanon.

  The findings from this study can be generalized to a general Respiratory ICU unit at the same hospital.


Question 8


When reviewing research study results aimed at reducing fall rates among elderly patients at hospital X, which statement most likely indicates representativeness of the sample related to the general target population at large?

  The sample consisted of 50 elderly patients on Central Nervous System depressant drugs that put the study patients at risk for falls.


  The sample consisted of a randomly selected subset of 6000 elderly patients over a 1-year time frame.

  The sample consisted of 200 elderly outpatients on a strict health regimen consisting of probiotics, exercise and adequate nutrition and not taking any prescription drugs.

  The sample consisted of 100 elderly patients whom ranged in age from 65-70 years in the study over a 1 week period.


Question 9


You have been asked to select a random sample of 1000 patients in your 5-hospital system for a proposed study aimed at reducing hospital readmissions. Each of the 5 hospitals has 600 beds. Which of the following approaches is best?

  You spend a week going from room to room in each hospital, explaining the study to each patient and asking for volunteers for the study, making a list of the 1000 patient names who agree to participate.

  You ascertain a list of all patient names and room numbers from each of the 5 hospitals and call each patient room asking for patient volunteers for the study.

  You post flyers at the nursing stations of each unit at all 5 hospitals and explain the proposed study to the nursing staff. The nursing staff will recruit patients and contact you with the names and contact information for each patient who is interested up to 1000.


  You obtain a list of all patient names in each of the 5 hospitals in the system and assign each name a numerical value. Using a table of random numbers, you select 1000 numbers (patients).


Question 10


A nurse colleague wants to survey nurses on his unit to determine the level of RN satisfaction. He proposes to administer a pre-test survey and design a practice change based on the results. He then proposes to administer a post-test to determine if the new intervention was effective. You recognize right away that the sample will be a nonprobability, nonrandom or convenience sample. All of the statements below are accurate EXCEPT:

  A convenience sample in this case is appropriate because the nurse simply wants to make an effective practice change on his unit directly.

  Findings from this proposed study cannot be generalized to the larger population of RNs.

  Findings from this proposed study can be transferred to other units in the hospital.


  The proposed study will not be reliable or valid because the sample will not be randomly selected.





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