NR714 Week 7 Module 3 Quiz Latest November 2018

NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 7 Module 3 Quiz

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Question 1

You have just been hired at Hospital X as Director of Nursing Research. You propose to conduct a study aimed at educating homeless women at risk for AIDS. The research coordinator asks how you will reach out to all homeless women in the city. What is the best response?


  “Rather than trying to reach all homeless women in the city, we will include a sample of homeless women that are a reasonable representation of this population.”

  “Research coordinators will ‘comb’ the city streets until we include all homeless women in the study”.

  “We cannot realistically include all homeless women in the city, but we will try to include as many as we can find.”

  “We only need to include a few homeless women in the study.”


Question 2


The term that captures the entire target group of individuals under study is referred to a



  confidence interval




Question 3


You are conducting a research study on the effectiveness of normal saline administered subdermally compared to lidocaine to reduce pain during IV insertion. If subjects getting lidocaine are in the experimental group, the subjects getting the inert normal saline are in the


  control group

  preliminary group

  sample group

  research group


Question 4


The same colleague asks you now to define the sample in research. Which is the most accurate response?


  “The sample is a subset of the population that the researcher intends to study.”

  “The sample is a group of individuals used in a pilot study before the actual study is conducted.”

  “The sample is a small group of study participants who drop out of a research study.”

  “The sample refers to a partial subject payment paid to study participants at the start of a research study.”


Question 5


In the inner city study investigating the impact on air quality on childhood asthma, what is the study sample?


  “The study sample is a randomly selected subset of all inner city school-aged children in city X.”

  “The study sample is the entire group of inner city school-aged children in city X.”

  “The study sample is a small self-selected group of inner city school-aged children diagnosed with asthma.”

  “The study sample is the group of all inner city school-aged children with asthma and their parents.”


Question 6


If a researcher tells you she achieved a narrow interval, in which there is little difference between lower and upper limits. The narrow confidence interval indicates

  an inaccurate measure of how well the true measure of the parameter is estimated.

  a satisfactory, but less desirable estimate than a wide interval.

  a less precise estimate than does a wide interval.


  a better and more precise estimate than does a wide interval.


Question 7


You are attending your hospital’s monthly Institutional Review Board (IRB) meeting and the Principle Investigator, Dr. King, reports to the group that she has a 95% confidence interval in her weight loss study. You clarify this statement to the team by saying


  “Dr. King is 95% confident that the majority of her subjects will lose the expected estimated weight.”


  “Dr. King can say that she is 95% sure that the “true” population value of the    difference in weight loss will fall somewhere between the lower and upper limits.”

  “Dr. King cannot be 95% certain that the “ true” population value of the difference in weight loss will fall between the lower and upper limits.”

  “Dr. King can say with 95% certainty that the estimated weight loss parameters will fall outside the lower and upper limits.”


Question 8


Thinking about the previous study on pain tolerance among men and women at the rural community hospital, what would be an expected alternative hypothesis? Select all that apply.


  There will be a significantly higher pain tolerance in women than men.


  There will be a significantly lower pain tolerance in women than men.


  There will be a statistically significant difference in pain tolerance between the two groups.

  There will be no difference in pain tolerance between women and men.


Question 9


Which statement below would be true if a t-test was not performed in the previous beta blocker study.

  There would be no consequences of not performing the t-test for both groups.

  Without the t-test, the results would indicate the reverse, showing beta blockers to be more effective in the younger group.


  We would not be able to accurately compare effectiveness of the beta blockers in each group with precision.

  Without performing the t-test, the results would inaccurately indicate that the beta blockers are more effective in the older group.


Question 10


You are reading a research article about the effectiveness of exercise on lowering cholesterol. The study used two groups, where one group was given an exercise regime, while the other group avoided exercise. What is the null hypothesis for this study?

  There will be a statistically significant difference between the exercise and the sedentary groups.


  There will be no statistically significant difference between the exercise and the sedentary groups.

  There will be a statistically significant decrease in cholesterol in the sedentary group.

  There will be a statistically significant decrease in cholesterol in the exercise group.

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