PSY-3301 Chapter 6 MC Quiz

Question 1

0 out of 5 points

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In an imperfect relationship, _________.

Question 2

0 out of 5 points

If a relationship is linear, _________.

Question 3

0 out of 5 points

Which of the following statements concerning Pearson r is not true?

Question 4

0 out of 5 points

In order to properly use rho, the variables must be of at least _______ scaling.

Question 5

5 out of 5 points

If N is small, an extreme score _________.

Question 6

0 out of 5 points

For the following X and Y scores, how much of the variability of Y is accounted for by knowledge of X? Assume a linear relationship.











Question 7

0 out of 5 points

In the equation Y = bX + a, X and Y are _________.

Question 8

5 out of 5 points

A relationship can be _________.

Question 9

0 out of 5 points

You have conducted a brilliant study which correlates IQ score with income and find a value of r = 0.75. At the end of the study you find out all the IQ scores were scored 10 points too high. What will the value of r be with the corrected data?

Question 10

5 out of 5 points

When deciding which measure of correlation to employ with a specific set of data, you should consider _________.

Question 11

0 out of 5 points

If one calculates r for raw scores, and then calculates r on the z scores of the same data, the value of r will _______.

Question 12

5 out of 5 points

Y can be most accurately predicted from X if the correlation between X and Y is _________.

Question 13

0 out of 5 points

When a correlation exists, lowering the range of either of the variables will _________.

Question 14

5 out of 5 points

You have noticed that as people eat more ice cream they also have darker suntans. From this observation, you conclude _______.

Question 15

5 out of 5 points

In a negative relationship, _________.

Question 16

0 out of 5 points

If the correlation between variables X and Y is 0.95, which of the following is true?

Question 17

0 out of 5 points

Which of the following statements is true?

Question 18

0 out of 5 points

Rho is used _________.

Question 19

0 out of 5 points

In a negative relationship, _________.

Question 20

5 out of 5 points

Pearson r can be properly used on which of the following type(s) of relationships?

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