PSY-3301 Exam#1 ( Set 2)

Question 1

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The real limits of a discrete variable are those values that are above and below the recorded value by one half of the smallest measuring unit of the scale.


Question 2

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown in the frequency distribution of grouped scores that follows.

The percentile rank of a score of 6.5 is _________.

Question 3

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Number of bar presses is an example of a(n) _______ variable.

Question 4

0 out of 0.25 points

Measurement is always approximate with a continuous variable.


Question 5

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Which of the following numbers is rounded incorrectly to two decimal places?

Question 6

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the amount of TV watched by New York City adults, a sociologist surveys a random sample of adults from this city. The obtained raw scores are called _________.

Question 7

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the data X1 = 1, X2 = 4, X3 = 5, X4 = 8, X5 = 10, evaluate .


Question 8

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the following set of numbers, X1 = 2, X2 = 4, X3 = 6, X4 = 10, what is the value of N?

Question 9

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Classifying students into whether they are good, fair, or poor speakers is an example of ordinal scaling.

Question 10

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the height of all students at your university, let’s assume you have measured the height of all psychology majors at the university. The height scores of all psychology majors constitute a _________.


Question 11

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. Here is the frequency distribution of the data.

The real limits of the interval 56-65 are _________.

Question 12

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The number of students in a class is an example of a continuous variable.

Question 13

0 out of 0.25 points

A discrete variable requires nominal or interval scaling.

Question 14

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If the range of a distribution were 89 and the data were reported as whole numbers, what would the width of the class interval be if one chose to group the distribution into approximately 14 class intervals?

Question 15

0.25 out of 0.25 points

X = Y/Z can be expressed as _______.

Question 16

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. The percentile rank of a score of 41 equals _________.

Question 17

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the height of all students at your university, let’s assume you have measured the height of all psychology majors at the university. If you had measured the height scores of all students at your university, the average (mean) of these scores would constitute a _________.


Question 18

0.25 out of 0.25 points

What is 17.295 rounded to one decimal place?

Question 19

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A relative frequency distribution indicates the number of scores that fall below the upper real limit of each interval.


Question 20

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Rounding 55.55 to the nearest whole number gives 55.


Question 21

0.25 out of 0.25 points

At the annual sailing regatta, prizes are awarded for 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th place. These “places” comprise a(n) _________.

Question 22

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The symbol “S” means:

Question 23

0.25 out of 0.25 points

All frequency distributions should be of grouped scores.

Question 24

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A statistic is to a sample as a parameter is to a population.

Question 25

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the following set of numbers, X1 = 2, X2 = 4, X3 = 6, X4 = 10, what is the value of (EX)/N?

Question 26

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Stem and leaf diagrams are like histograms, except that they lose the original scores.


Question 27

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A therapist measures the difference between two clients. If the therapist can say that Rebecca’s score is higher than Sarah’s, but can’t specify how much higher, the measuring scale used must have been a(an)_______ scale.

Question 28

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Inferential statistics uses the sample data to generalize to populations.


Question 29

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the height of all students at your university, let’s assume you have measured the height of all psychology majors at the university. The resulting raw scores are called _________.

Question 30

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If a large psychology class took a test on theoretical biophysics, the distribution of scores would probably be _________.

Question 31

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the amount of TV watched by New York City adults, a sociologist surveys a random sample of adults from this city. All of the New York City adults constitute a _________.

Question 32

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to determine cause and effect, a researcher needs to do a true experiment.

Question 33

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a cumulative percentage curve, percentage is shown on the abscissa.

Question 34

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Intuition is often used as part of scientific method.

Question 35

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A relative frequency distribution indicates the total number of scores which occurred in each interval.


Question 36

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The number of legs on a centipede is an example of a(an) _______ scale.


Question 37

0.25 out of 0.25 points

When doing summation, the number above the summation sign indicates the term ending the summation and the number below indicates the beginning term.


Question 38

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Let’s assume you are conducting an experiment to determine the effect of a new drug on the incidence of epileptic seizures. You select 20 epileptics from the 150 epileptics being treated at a nearby hospital and administer the drug to them. You record the number of seizures in each of the 20 subjects for one month. The number of seizures for each of the 20 subjects constitutes _________.


Question 39

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. What is the cumulative percentage below the lower real limit of the interval 90-99?

Question 40

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. Here is the frequency distribution of the data.

The cumulative frequency for the interval 46-55 is _________.

Question 41

0.25 out of 0.25 points

I am certain I will find this course _________.

Question 42

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. The resulting data are shown in the following frequency distribution.

The percentile rank of a score of 40 is _________.


Question 43

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The lower limit in the lowest class interval should equal i.

Question 44

0.25 out of 0.25 points

When constructing a distribution of grouped scores, the only requirement regarding the lower limit of the lowest interval is that the interval includes the lowest score in the distribution.

Question 45

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Interval or ratio data may be plotted as a _________.

Question 46

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In inferential statistics the object is usually to generalize from a _________ to a _________.

Question 47

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. What is the value of i?

Question 48

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In a study of caloric intake on weight loss, the number of pounds lost (or gained) is the independent variable.


Question 49

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Consider the following score diagram.




1 3


2 4 6 7


2 3 5 6 8


1 3 4 4 5 6 8


3 3 3 5 6 7 8 8 9 9 9


2 2 2 3 3 4 5 5 5 6 6 7 7 7


1 1 1 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 6 6


2 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 6 7

This score diagram is called a _________.

Question 50

0.25 out of 0.25 points

An ordinal scale possesses the attributes of magnitude and equal interval.



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