PSY-3301 Exam#1

Question 1

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Let’s assume you are conducting an experiment to determine the effect of a new drug on the incidence of epileptic seizures. You select 20 epileptics from the 150 epileptics being treated at a nearby hospital and administer the drug to them. You record the number of seizures in each of the 20 subjects for one month. The 20 subjects constitute _________.

Question 2

0.25 out of 0.25 points

One task of research is to study a subset of the population and try to make inferences about the whole population.


Question 3

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown below arranged in a frequency distribution of grouped scores.

The cumulative percentage for the interval 5.2-5.5 is _________.


Question 4

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Assume your task is to group the raw scores given below into a frequency distribution of approximately 12 intervals of equal width.

The value of i is _________.

Question 5

0.25 out of 0.25 points

When individual scores are combined into groups, _________.

Question 6

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If an investigator determines that Carlo’s score is five times as large as the score of Juan, the measuring scale used must have been a(an)_______ scale.

Question 7

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Sex of children is an example of a(n) _________ scale.

Question 8

0.25 out of 0.25 points

An accountant is preparing a graph showing the number of sports cars of various makers purchased this year. The number will be plotted on the ordinate and the various manufacturers on the abscissa. The proper type of graph for this data is a(n) _________.


Question 9

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Observational studies involve the manipulation of variables by the investigator.


Question 10

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the average (mean) weight of all professional football players, an investigator determines the weight of the “Dallas Cowboy” players. Weight is an example of a(n) _________.

Question 11

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The number of students in a class is an example of a continuous variable.


Question 12

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Number of bar presses is an example of a(n) _______ variable.

Question 13

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A nutritionist uses a scale that measures weight to the nearest 0.01 grams. A slice of cheese weighs 0.35 grams on the scale. The variable being measured is a _________.

Question 14

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If a large psychology class took a test on theoretical biophysics, the distribution of scores would probably be _________.

Question 15

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. The percentile rank of a score of 41 equals _________.

Question 16

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A researcher has collected some data on the amount of time in seconds (to the nearest 0.1 second) that it took trained rats to run through a maze. The data is shown in the frequency distribution of grouped scores that follows.

The relative frequency for the interval 5.2-6.6 is _________.

Question 17

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given a distribution of grouped scores, if an interval is shown as 2–8, the interval is 6 units wide


Question 18

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A sample is defined as _________.

Question 19

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If IQ was measured on a ratio scale, and John had an IQ of 40 and Fred an IQ of 80, it would be correct to say that Fred was twice as intelligent as John.

Question 20

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The average number of children in a classroom is an example of a discrete variable.

Question 21

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. Here is the frequency distribution of the data.

The 50th percentile point is _________.

Question 22

0 out of 0.25 points

Let’s assume you are conducting an experiment to determine the effect of a new drug on the incidence of epileptic seizures. You select 20 epileptics from the 150 epileptics being treated at a nearby hospital and administer the drug to them. You record the number of seizures in each of the 20 subjects for one month. The 150 epileptics constitute _________.

Question 23

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A variable is defined or identified as _________.

Question 24

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A bell shaped curve is an example of a skewed distribution.

Question 25

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. How many occurrences fall below the upper real limit of the interval 70-79?

Question 26

0 out of 0.25 points

When rounding, if the decimal remainder is equal to and the last digit of the answer is even, add 1 to the last digit of the answer.

Question 27

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The true limits of 7.0 are _________.

Question 28

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The symbol S means square the following numbers and sum them.

Question 29

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If a curve is symmetrical, _________.

Question 30

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. What is the value of i?

Question 31

0.25 out of 0.25 points

The range of a set of scores with a maximum value of 92 and a minimum value of 26 is _________.

Question 32

0.25 out of 0.25 points

After performing several clever calculations on your calculator, the display shows the answer 53.655001. What is the appropriate value rounded to two decimal places?

Question 33

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In order to estimate the average (mean) weight of all professional football players, an investigator determines the weight of the “Dallas Cowboy” players. The average (mean) weight of the Dallas Cowboys is called a _________.

Question 34

0.25 out of 0.25 points

When a weight is measured to 1/1000th of a gram, that measure is absolutely accurate.

Question 35

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the following set of numbers, X1 = 2, X2 = 4, X3 = 6, X4 = 10, what is the value of (EX)2?


Question 36

0.25 out of 0.25 points

When constructing frequency distributions there must be 12 class intervals.

Question 37

0.25 out of 0.25 points

“Brand of soft drink” is measured on a(n) _________.

Question 38

0 out of 0.25 points

One reason for constructing frequency distributions is to be able to visualize the shape of the distribution.


Question 39

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A statistic is defined as _________.

Question 40

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In an experiment conducted to determine the effect of testosterone on aggression, testosterone is the independent variable.

Question 41

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A discrete scale of measurement _________.

Question 42

0.25 out of 0.25 points

In the race mentioned in question 26, a comparison of each runner’s finishing time would represent a(n) _________.

Question 43

0.25 out of 0.25 points

To determine the width of the class interval, i, divide the range by the number of class intervals.


Question 44

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A frequency polygon results in a curve that looks as though the scores were continuously distributed.

Question 45

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Data are an indispensable part of scientific method.

Question 46

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A psychologist is interested in the social interactions of preschool children. She measures the number of verbal interactions that each child at a preschool engages in during a day. The resulting data are shown in the following frequency distribution.

The percentile rank of a score of 40 is _________.

Question 47

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Which method of knowing is used in the following example? An individual accepts as true that black holes exist because 10 physics Nobel laureates assert such is the case.

Question 48

0.25 out of 0.25 points

If one measured the height of all the women at a university and took an average of the data, the university women would be a sample of the population of all university women in the world.


Question 49

0.25 out of 0.25 points

Given the distribution of grouped scores shown in the following table. N equals _______.

Question 50

0.25 out of 0.25 points

A therapist measures the difference between two clients. If the therapist can say that Rebecca’s score is higher than Sarah’s, but can’t specify how much higher, the measuring scale used must have been a(an)_______ scale.

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