Race As A Cultural Construct

Race As A Cultural Construct

Considering the article “Thinking Anthropologically About Race,” social scientists now understand race to be a cultural construction, not based on biology, but rather ideas we prescribe to biology. In other words, there is no genetic foundation for racial categories because you may be more genetically similar to someone in a different race than in your own.

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For this discussion forum, I would like you to go the PBS website dedicated to the film “Race: The Power of an Illusion.” Please explore the interactive website addressing “What is Race,” with its series of quick facts:


Please address one of the following questions in your post, or create your own question to invite discussion:

  • 1-What questions does this website raise for you? What does it really mean to say that race is not a biological reality?
  • 2-Should that change the way we categorize racial groups in American culture?
  • 3-Does this mean that we can be a ‘color-blind’ society?

Remember to bring in information from the article “Thinking Anthropologically About Race.”

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