Research Proposal – What methods can we implement at our Attorney’s

Research Proposal

Research Question: What methods can we implement at our Attorney’s office to generate more leads/potential clients?

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Use this outline to make sure you have all of the parts of the proposal.


State the problem 

Background of the problem (Why is it a problem at all?) 

Need (Why do you need to conduct research to find solutions?)

Benefits (How will the research you conduct benefit the company?)

Qualifications of personnel (List your qualifications, like on a resume or cover letter)

Body (Plan) 

Objectives and materials (What do you want to accomplish? What do you need from the company to conduct your research?)

Timetable (Write the dates and tasks that you will need to conduct the research. These can be fictional. Use a timeline of 8 weeks.)

Materials and equipment (What equipment will you need access to? Computers, meeting rooms, etc.)

Personnel (Will you need help or will you work with another person on this project?)

Cost (How much will the research cost to conduct? If it only costs time, use your salary to calculate how much money it will cost. 

Expected results (What do you expect to find when you conduct research?)

Feasibility (How will you test to find out which solution is best?) 

Limitations (What may hinder your research? Time, resources (list what kind), lack of cooperation, etc.)

Scope (Explain exactly what you are going to research and explain what you will not research)


Summary of key points 

Request for action (Ask the reader to approve your research.)

Works cited (Must be formatted in APA or MLA style. You must have at least 5 secondary sources.)

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