SOCS185 Week 2 quiz Latest 2018 November

SOCS185 Culture and Society

Week 2 quiz

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Question 1

 (TCO 1) The systematic study of human society is known as _____.





  social psychology


Question 2

 (TCO 1) Social sciences includes all of the following EXCEPT _____.


  political science






Question 3

 (TCO 1) When Peter Berger characterized the sociological perspective as “seeing the general in the particular,” he meant that sociology allows us to _____.

  recognize that society has the same effect on all categories of people

  see that people in general are rather particular about their behaviors

  make generalizations about individuals’ particular habits

  see McArthur in his Jeep, Patton in his tank, or Bradley in his personnel carrier

  look for general patterns in the behavior of particular people


Question 4

 (TCO 3) Of the major theoretical theories in sociology, which one views society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability?

  Social-solidarity theory

  Social-conflict theory

  Symbolic-interaction paradigm

  Structural-functional theory

  Fournickles-equalsa paradigm


Question 5

 (TCO 3) Functions of an institution that unrecognized and unintended consequences of any social pattern, are known as _____.







Question 6

 (TCO 2) Gambling researcher Althea Andrasia runs repeated tests on her measure of addiction to check for consistency in measurement. Her goal is to ensure that the measure has _____.







Question 7

 (TCO 2) Independent variable is to dependent variable as _____.

  blood is to water

  effect is to cause

  cause is to effect

  variable is to constant

  logic is to intuition


Question 8

 (TCO 2) A statement of a possible relationship between two (or more) variables is called _____.

  a theory


  a conclusion

  a paradigm

  a hypothesis


Question 9

 (TCO 2) What research method was used in Philip Zimbardo’s study, the “Stanford County Prison”?

  Captive participant observation

  Ethnographic field observation

  An experiment

  Participant observation

  The hellgrammite method


Question 10

 (TCO 2) An apparent, although false, association between two variables that is caused by a third variable is called _____

  an invalid correlation.

  an valid correlation.

  a specious correlation.

  a spurious correlation.

  an unreliable correlation.


Question 11

(TCO 4) All of the following are characteristics of a Total Institution EXCEPT

  staff members supervise all aspects of daily life, including where residents eat, sleep, and work.

  life in a total institution is controlled and standardized, with the same food, uniforms, and activities for everyone.

  normal rules dictate when, where, and how inmates perform their daily routines.

  residents are often called “inmates.”

  Life is integrated into larger society, and members retain their individuality.



Question 12

(TCO 4) Other than perceiving the competing realities in a joke, what is sometimes involved in “getting” and enjoying a joke?

  The joke must be universally funny.

  The joke must be simple.

  The audience must inferentially complete the joke in their minds.

  The joke teller must explain the joke and provide more and more information until it is understood.

  The listener must be able to tell a joke well in order to get a joke.



Question 13

(TCO 4) Which is the correct order of the stages of human development in Jean Piaget’s model?

  Sensorimotor, preoperational, operational, and post operational

  Preoperational, post operational, concrete operational, and formal operational

  Sensorimotor, concrete operational, formal operational, and post operational

  Formal operation, concrete operational, preoperational, and sensorimotor

  Sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational



Question 14

(TCO 4) Erving Goffman makes so many explicit parallels to the theater that his view has been termed _____.



  Stage Directions

  Method Sociology

  the Dramaturgical Approach



Question 15

(TCO 4) When Charles Horton Cooley used the term, “the looking-glass self,” he was referring to the fact that _____.

  if you break your “self,” you will have seven years bad luck

  people see themselves as they believe others see them

  we see our parents in ourselves

  our children are a reflection of ourselves

  people are narcissistic



Question 16

(TCO 3) The norms for the ethics of using the Internet, particularly issues concerning privacy and censorship, have not yet caught up with the explosion in Internet usage and technology. William F. Ogburn called this _____.

  culture shock


  cultural lag

  cultural disconnect

  cultural gap




Question 17

(TCO 3) Mashie Nibblet is a pro at a country club and loves to play golf, but hates to teach it to the country club members. Mashie is experiencing _____.

  role conflict

  role strain

  role ambiguity

  role exit

  a handicap that, if not ironed out, would leave him feeling below par with a chip on his shoulder resulting in a stroke


Question 18

(TCO 3) Judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture is _____; while judging any culture by its own standards is _____.

  ethnocentrism; methnocentrism

  androcentrism; ethnocentrism

  egocentrism; ethnocentrism

  ethnocentrism; cultural relativism

  cultural relativism; ethnocentrism



Question 19

(TCO 3) Which of the following is a statement based on the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?

  Language is simply the attaching of the labels to the real world.

  People see and understand the world through the cultural lens of language.

  A single idea feels the same even if spoken in a different language.

  Each word has its counterpart in all other languages.

  All languages can trace their roots back to Klingon.



Question 20

(TCO 3) What is the term to refer to the judging another culture by the standards of one’s own culture?



  Cultural relativism

  Cultural universals


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