Week 3 Elementary Methods-Science

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As your students’ primary 
teacher, you are responsible for teaching the whole child, including the development of their health and physical literacy. Curriculum mapping is a process that can help you integrate these topics into your classroom instruction. Curriculum maps can also help teachers plan the year to ensure that concepts and standards will be covered, as well as organize theme-based units that integrate multiple subject areas. In this assessment, you apply your understanding of 
health and PE content standards to create a curriculum map for reinforcing health and physical education concepts and skills in your classroom instruction. 

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Assume that your district has recently approved adopting a curriculum that incorporates health and physical education concepts and skills into the classroom to support students’ health and physical literacy. Your administrator has requested that teachers begin by creating a curriculum map for theme-based units of study that incorporate health and physical education standards, concepts, and skills.


Do the following to prepare for this assessment:

· Choose a grade level between K–5th grade.

· Review your Wk 2 Outline: Health and PE Themes assignment to get ideas for unit themes.

· Review the national standards for health and PE at the links below:


Standards for Health Education
 from CDC Healthy Schools


Grade-Level Outcomes for K–12 Physical Education
 from SHAPE America

Assessment Deliverable

Follow the instructions in the 

Health and PE Content Standards Curriculum Map Template
 to create a 
curriculum map for planning theme-based units that include health and physical education concepts and skills.

Submit your assessment.

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