Ch9- Sales and Distribution (SD) using SAP

Ch9- Sales and Distribution (SD) using SAP
You need to do the Try-It 1 and 2 in Ch9 Appendix before you do this assignment.
1. In this assignment you are to work through the cash to cash business cycle and processes using SAP.
2. You will be required to capture clear screen shots (using MS Word, please see the given video on how to do this) to document your work.
3. Your USER-ID must be clearly visible in all the screen shots that you take.
4. The tutorial below was prepared on a server named BK8; your assigned server for this assignment is HONDA and client num is 534 as given below:
System HONDA
Number   00
Client # 534

5. Throughout the tutorial, wherever you are asked to enter ###, this means enter your 3-digit LEARN-###.
6. In this tutorial the userID being used is GBIFAC-001; You need to use your own userID; your userID is LEARN-164 Paswrd :ToledoPW
7. As soon as you start working on this assignment, create a MS Word document and name it as yourlastNameCH7SAP. Eg. If your last name is Smith, your document must be named SmithCh8SAP.
8. Take ONE screen shot in the last step of the Case.
9. Upload your Word doc (that has the screen shot) to BB before the due date.

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Note: pay attention to all instructions and what you are supposed to enter. If the tutorial instructions are followed precisely, you should have NO problems with this assignment.
If you make a mistake in one of the steps, you may need to redo that step or the step before it.

Description of the Sales Process:

This diagram demonstrates the sales process at CBI. It shows all actors involved and their activities as well as the sequence of activities to complete the Sales process.

Sales Process Activities at CBI:

Table of Content

Step 1: Create Sales Order 3
Step 2: Creat Oubount Delivery Document 7
Step 3: Change Oubount Delivery Document (Pick Materials) 9
Step 4: Change Oubount Delivery Document (Post Goods Issue) 11
Step 5: Create Invoice for Customer 12
Step 6: Post of Incoming Customer Payment 13
Step 7: Review Document Flow 15

Step 1: Create Sales Order

To create a sales order, follow the menu path:

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Sales ► Order ► Create

This will produce the following screen.

Double-click Create, the next screen to appear is the Create Sales Documents

Enter Order Type
OR (Standard order),
UE00 (US East),
WH (Wholesale), and
BI (Bicycles).
Then click Continue or hit Enter.

You’ll get this screen. Click the Sold-To-Party box and click Search icon
next to it.

Search using the
Customer (general) tab. If the Customer tab is not selected, click on it. Then select the Customers (general) choice as shown. Enter
last three digit of your user ID ### in the Search term box, then click
ScreenShot00119 Start Search at the bottom. (

Note: the userID being used in this document is LEARN-033

You’ll get this list ; double click Philly Bikes

A list of customers is shown (as above). After double-clicking on the
PHILLY BIKES, you are returned the Create Standard Documents screen . Notice that the PHILLY BIKES ID number appears in the Sold-To Party box. Enter the Cust Reference number (654321) provided by PHILLY BIKES to link between the Purchase Order and Sales Order. Enter PO Date (Today’s date) and (One week from today).

Move down to All Items section:

Move down to ALL Items

Click the first cell under Material and then click the Search icon to the right of it.

You’ll get this search box. Make sure Material by description tab is select. Then type *###*. Your userID 3-digits between * *.

From the list, select (double click Deluxe Touring (Black))

Now, your screen should look like this. Type 5 as Order Quantity

and hit Enter

Click Save and you’ll get a message indicating that the order has been saved and will display an order number (here the Order number is 12 and yours may be different).

Write down this number for future use and take a screenshot and pasted in your Word document; make sure your Learn-### is visible. You finished Step 1

Click Exit to exit the sales order and go back to the main menu then Click
to go back to the main menu

Step 2: Creat Oubount Delivery Document

To start the process that will fulfill The PHILLY BIKES’s order, we need to create a delivery document. To do this, follow the menu path:

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Shipping and Transportation ► Outbound Delivery ► Create ► Single Document ► With Reference to Sales Order

This will produce the following screen.

You will get this screen. Enter
MI00 for Shipping Point and enter a selection date
one week from today (you can use
F4 to call up the calendar window).

Again, your order number may be different and hit enter (or click Continue)

You get this screen:

Click Save, you’ll get this screen with Outbound Delivery number at the bottom.

Write down this number for future use and take a screenshot and pasted in your Word document; make sure your Learn-### is visible. You finished Step 2

Click Exit and the SAP menu button (highlighted in yellow) to back to SAP main menu

Step 3: Change Oubount Delivery Document (Pick Materials)

When a sales order is picked, the material is moved from a storage location to the packing area. The picking, packing and shipping activities are accomplished by the warehouse manger.

To record the picking of the material, we change the delivery document. To change the delivery document, follow the menu path:

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Shipping and Transportation ► Outbound Delivery ► Change ► Single Document


Double click Single Document and you’ll get the screen with Outbound Delivery number created in the previous step.

Then hit Enter or click Continue and you’ll get this screen:

Click Picking. Then enter the given information (in yellow) and then click Save.

You should get a document number at the bottom of the screen, it should be the same number of the earlier document.

Write down this number for future use and take a screenshot and pasted in your Word document; make sure your Learn-### is visible. You finished Step 3

Click Exit and go back to SAP main menu.

Step 4: Change Oubount Delivery Document (Post Goods Issue)

After the picking materials, Global Bike Inc. accomplishes packing activity. Posting (Shipping) occurs next.

To post the goods issue (change the possession of the material from Global Bike Inc. to The PHILLY BIKES), follow the menu path:

The menu for this activity Change Outbound Delivery is the same as the Step 3.

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Shipping and Transportation ► Outbound Delivery ► Change ► Single Document


Double click Single Document and you’ll get this screen showing your document number. Confirm the document number and click Post Goods Issue and you should get a confirmation at the bottom of the screen

Write down this number for future use and take a screenshot and pasted in your Word document; make sure your Learn-### is visible. You finished Step 4

Click Exit and go back to SAP main menu

Step 5: Create Invoice for Customer

With the delivery complete, the customer can be invoiced. This activity creates an invocie for DELUXE TURING BIKE (BLACK) and the invoice is sent to the customer. To do this, follow the menu path:

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Billing ► Billing Document ► Process Billing Due List

This will produce the following screen.

Double click Process Billing Due List and you’ll get the Maintain Billing Due List. Enter the information in yellow (remember it should be your 3 digits: 3###) and then click Display Billing List

You’ll get this screen. Then click
Collective Billing Document at the bottom of the screen:

You’ll get this screen.

You finished Step 5

Click Exit and go back to SAP main menu

Step 6: Post of Incoming Customer Payment

We sent a bill to PHILLY BIKES in the Step 5. After The PHILLY BIKES mails its payment $15,000, it needs to be recorded. To do this, follow the menu path:

Accounting ► Financial Accounting ►Accounts Receivable ► Document Entry ► Incoming Payments

This will produce the following screen. Post Incoming Payment: Header Data

Double click
Incoming Payments and you’ll get this screen. Enter the data (in yellow; 3###) and then click Process Open Items.

You’ll get this screen showing that 1 item was processed.

You finished Step 6

Step 7: Review Document Flow

The document flow tool links all documents that were used in The PHLLY BIKES‘ sales order. Again, there are many ways to access the document flow tool. One way is to start by displaying the sales order document.

To display the document flow, follow the menu path:

Logistics ► Sales and Distribution ► Sales ► Order ► Display

This will produce the following screen.

You’ll get this screen, then hit Enter:

You’ll get this screen, click
More -> Environment -> Document Flow

You’ll get the document flow of all documents created.
You finished Step 7

This is the screenshot that you need to upload to BB and make sure that your userID is clearly visible in the upper right corner.

















































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