Emerging Technologies: Identify an emerging technology used in marketing

Identify an emerging technology used in marketing and write a blog and a report  This module allows you to explore few new digital technology trends that businesses and organisations need to put into practice to enhance their market competitiveness by creating short- and long-term growth opportunities in the marketplace. As a marketer in a digital…

Update on Attorney General’s web assignment

Update on Attorney General’s web assignment: The Web Site for the Attorney General has changed. Therefore here is what I suggest we do for the assignment. 1.     Review the Attorney General’s website to find the following resources and then write directions for the public to be able to find the information on the current set up…

Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP)

Project Quality Management (100 points) Suburban Homes Construction Project Quality Management Plan (QMP)  Prepare a quality management plan using the elements described in the PMBOK 6e (Section for the Suburban Homes Construction Project. Content (90 points) Over the course the semester you’ve become familiar with the project and as part of the overall project…

Critical discussion of 2-3 key issues in the article

attach RUBRIC Identifies: · author, · title, · journal title · and an indication of the major aspects of the article. · Critical discussion of 2-3 key issues in the article. · Makes clear the author’s argument. · Support criticisms of the article with evidence from text or other writings. Conveys: · How article has…

You have worked as a healthcare administrator for an assisted living facility for the past 10 years

Scenario You have worked as a healthcare administrator for an assisted living facility for the past 10 years. In your role as administrator, your organization has achieved enormous growth and you have received accolades for your part in that growth. You have also gained an appreciable amount of experience in all facets of the operations….

Deliverable 6 – Assessing Community Needs

Scenario As the new business analyst for your health organization, you are charged with the task of completing a community needs assessment in order to support the Chief Executive Officer’s proposed mobile clinic unit. The unit will contain a variety of services including health education, medical and dental screenings, HIV testing, a syringe exchange program,…

Extra Credit Discussion: Knowledge Matters Simulation: Q & A

  Extra credit discussion: Knowledge matters Simulation: Q & A Hi all. I understand that you encounter different situations as you play the simulation. Once you change one thing, the next scenario is different. So, we could have had a different experience even though we had the same simulation and scenario at the beginning. Let’s…

Management has decided to build a new factory to supply raw material to these factories

  A manufacturer of oak barrels has factories in an area at the location coordinates provided in the following table. Each coordinate unit represents approximately 10 miles. The yearly demand at each factory is also given. (see attachment) Management has decided to build a new factory to supply raw material to these factories. The location…

Explain the competitiveness factors supporting the Fourth Industrial Revolution

Read the article and answer the below questions (1-page answer per question; Times New Romans, 12, 1.5 space):Sala-I-Martin, X., Crotti, R., Baller S., Battista A., Drzeniek-Hanouz M., Geiger T., Gaviria D.G., Marti G. (2017), Modernizing the Measurement of Drivers of Prosperity in Light of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, (pp. 51-62). In K. Schwab (Ed.), The…