Compare and contrast the Higher Order Perception

This assignment is testing your understanding of the textbook, ch.9, pp.280–289 and the additional essay on the course website, “Knowing Our Minds”, by A. Byrne. You need to cite and demonstrate your understanding of both.


Compare and contrast the Higher Order Perception and Higher Order Thought theories of Consciousness. Which theory seems more plausible to you? Give reasons for your answer.

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Your paper must include the following parts:

  1. Explain the Higher Order Perception theory of consciousness in your own words. Use simple examples.
  2. Explain the Higher Order Thought theory of consciousness in your own words. Use simple examples.
  3. Identify and explain the central difference between these two theories.
  4. Conclude by stating which theory seems most plausible. Do this by raising some problem for one of these theories that is not a problem for the other.

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