CYB III: What is meant by the word “Pwned” in the HIPB website title?

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Unit III, Part 2: Report Your Findings.

1. ‎What is meant by the word “Pwned” in the HIPB website title?

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2. Choose 1 of the “Largest breaches” listed on the Home tab. What was breached (e.g., consumer financial information, information belonging to children, or information within educational records)? How many records were involved? What was the root cause?

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3. Without divulging your personal email account, provide a summary of the results. Ensure you include the top 3 breaches. What breach surprised you and why?

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4. If you entered a domain you own into the “Domain search” tab, without disclosing the domain name, provide a synopsis of the results. If you do not own a domain name, provide 1 or 2 of the most important points you discovered by reading Troy Hunt’s blog post.

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5. What did you find out about the organization you investigated on the “Who’s been pwned” tab? What did you find interesting? Will you continue to do maintain your personal account with the organization? Why or why not?

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6. What password did you choose from the NordPass list? What results were returned? Are you surprised by the time to crack the password or the frequency count of the password you chose? What is the significance of this research?

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7. Summarize what you learned about your own digital footprint. What surprised you about you learned from the HIPB website? What are the implications of entering sensitive data into the HIPB website?

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8. Based on what you have learned from the HIPB website, what business challenges are associated with safeguarding sensitive information? What statutory versus regulatory concerns exist in safeguarding sensitive information?

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