



Project Overview
This project is designed to provide opportunities to examine the concept of inequality in American life from a variety of perspectives.

1. Minimum 3  page essay

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2. 20 slide PowerPoint Presentation / Screencast

Pleasse watch this screencast for a more developed discussion of the projects:

Project Details
Perform the following tasks:

Step 1:  

Please choose only one (1) of the following  two (2) options  to respond to for your midterm project:

Option A. (ESSAY) Socio-economic inequality is a massive issue in the United States. Many of us see a growing division between those who have financial resources and those who do not.  Read the following article and write a minimum 3 page essay that helps me understand the double-whammy of racial and economic inequality that the report speaks about.  BE SURE to talk about the solution to the problem that this report pushes forward.
Links to an external site.


Option B. (NARRATED, ORAL MULTI-MEDIA PRESENTATION)  Another place where inequality exists is in the mass media. Specifically, in who and how individuals and groups are represented (or not represented) in mainstream media platforms.  Whose stories are we telling? Whose experiences are we sharing? Who are we seeing on screen?  These are important questions that we should ask.  The following article offers a solid discussion of representation in the media, please read it to gain an understanding of the issue.
Links to an external site.

Once you have read the article answer one (1) of the following two (2) questions by creating  minimum 20 slide narrated PowerPoint presentation OR a powerpoint-based screencast — please include images, clips, and other evidence that will help you make your point.  Please note, both of these options require that you add your voice to the presentation and that you talk us through your slides.

1) How are disabled people  (physically, emotionally, or intellectually challenged) typically portrayed in the media?   Are they inclusive or exclusive? Do they reinforce or challenge stereotypes? Are they deep and meaningful or shallow and inconsequential?  


2) How are identities like race and gender represented in animated Disney / Disney Pixar Movies? (Think Mulan, Brave, Frozen, Luca,  Encanto, etc)   Are they inclusive or exclusive? Do they reinforce or challenge stereotypes? Are they deep and meaningful or shallow and inconsequential?  


Step 2: Research and Development
Select one of the topics from Step 1. Follow the directions/suggestions below to satisfy the outcomes for this project:

Study the resources that you were provided and do a little more research on your own.  Try to get beyond the provided material to develop a defensible point of view that you are willing to share.

Step 3: Write your Paper or create your power-point based project


Step 4: Look over your Assignment for Spelling or Grammar Errors.
It is always a good idea to proofread your work prior to submission. Take this time to read over your assignment and make sure you have thoroughly and thoughtfully explained your answers to the questions listed above.

Step 5: Make sure to put your assignment in a Word document (12-point font) and clearly label each with the information from the Step 5 example.

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