JADM340 Week 3 Quiz Latest November 2018

JADM340 Criminal Evidence

Week 3 Quiz

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Question 1

 (TCO1) Law that defines the process of adjudication is known as:

  Common law

  Procedural law

  Substantive law

  Relevant law

  The Constitutional Imperative Doctrine

Question 2

(TCO1) Crimes that are not naturally immoral, but whose wrongness lies in their legal prohibition are regarded as:

  Mala in se

  Mala et al

  Mala prohibita

  Mala in fregit

  Mala aforethought



Question 3

(TCO1) Which Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects religious freedom and freedom of speech?







 (TCO1) Which Amendment of the U.S. Constitution precludes searches and seizures without probable cause?







Question 5

(TCO1) Which Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects individuals from cruel and unusual punishment?





  None of the above


Question 6

(TCO2) The Judiciary Act of 1789 was an attempt to establish a strong:

  State court system

  Federal court system

  Territorial court system

  National court system

  Parliamentary court system


Question 7

(TCO2) Which of the following contain all manner of of evidence within the case-in-chief?




  All of the above

  A & B only



Question 8

(TCO2) Which of the following are defenses raised in a criminal trial?




  All of the above

  None of the above


Question 9

(TCO3) Evidence is available in many forms and may be represented by which of the following?

  Material objects

  Scientific analysis

  Eyewitness accounts

  All of the above

  None of the above


Question 10

(TCO3) Evidence which “stands on its face” is called:

  Real Evidence

  Prima Facie Evidence

  Material Evidence

  Circumstantial Evidence

  Evidence Per Se


Question 11

(TCO3) There are some situations that arise in the criminal courts in which the jury is instructed on what to believe and are not free to draw independent inferences. these situations are such that jurors must adopt the statement or the evidence as fact. These situations include:



  Judicial notice

  All of the above

  None of the above


Question 12

 (TCO3) Adjudicative facts include which of the following?


  Legislative history

  Information about the impact of extant laws

  Statutory interpretation

  None of the above


Question 13

(TCO4) That standard of evidence necessary to effect the arrest of an individual or that induces the belief in the mind of a reasonable officer that the accused committed a crime:

  Reasonable suspicion

  Probable cause

  Beyond a reasonable doubt

  Beyond a scintilla of doubt

  Clear and convincing evidence



Question 14

 (TCO4) This Amendment of the U.S. Constitution provides that “…no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized”:








Question 15

(TCO4) This type of warrant is extremely unique in that it is issued prior to the arrival of the evidence in a particular location:

  Sneak and Peak warrant

  No Knock warrant

  Antedated warrant

  Nighttime warrant


  Anticipatory warrant



Question 16

Not yet graded / 10 pts

(TCO1)Explain the doctrine of Stare Decisis.

Question 17

 (TCO2)Discuss what is meant by an affirmative defense. How does an affirmative defense differ from a plea of nolo contendere?

Question 18

 (TCO3)Explain what types of inferences may not be drawn from circumstantial evidence.

Question 19

 (TCO4)Compare and contrast Sneak-and-peak Warrants from No-Knock Warrants. Give an example of each.


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