PCN807 Full Course Latest 2018 November

PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 1 Discussion

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DQ1 Luborsky, Singer, and Luborsky (1975) compared a number of psychotherapies and found that no organized theoretical orientation worked better than any other. This was called the dodo bird verdict: “Everyone has won and we shall all have prizes”. If no specific psychotherapy works better than the others, should theoretical orientations should exist at all? Why or why not? If everyone gets better anyway, is the training of clinicians meaningful? Support your view.What is psychopathology? What do you know about mental illness? Why does a leader need to have a working knowledge of the scientific method as applied in the clinical environment?

DQ2 To be a Christian counselor can mean counseling using information gathered from the Bible and biblical scholars, counseling using a Christian world view along with the theories developed by psychologists, or being Christian while providing counseling services. Which of these perspectives best fits your personal philosophy? Why? Can a person act as a Christian counselor without imposing his or her philosophy on the client? Why or why not?


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) is revised about once a decade. Who makes the final decisions regarding what to include or exclude from each edition? How do these choices influence diagnosis, treatment, funding, and society? Why is there so much controversy surrounding the choices? Who benefits most from the changes? Support your view.

DQ2 There are a number of evidence based treatments in psychology. How can a leader who is not a practicing clinician most effectively stay up to date with current treatment recommendations and methodologies? How do you respond when a clinician working under you uses a treatment that you know little about or with which you are uncomfortable? Explain.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 Review the childhood and neurodevelopmental disorders listed in the DSM-5. Identify two diagnostic tools for each of these categories of disorders. Are these the most effective tools for diagnosing disorders in these categories? Why or why not? What caveats are aligned to each of the instruments? How might those caveats influence the effectiveness of the diagnostic tools? Explain.

DQ2 How can a behavioral health leader best create a clinical environment to maximize organizational efficiency as well as comfort for individuals and families encountering childhood and neurocognitive disorders? In creating the environment described, what are the most significant considerations for leaders regarding administrative staff and procedures, space in common areas, time between appointments, caseloads for clinicians, etc.? Support your position.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Many disorders of physiological function are difficult to define due to the need to define physiological abnormality. What sort of issues might a behavioral health leader encounter when a clinician defines a physical behavior as abnormal? How might this affect the operations of the organization? Explain.

DQ2 To what extent can leaders in behavioral health influence the public health crisis of the opiate epidemic? Explain. What are the best primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions? How can behavioral health organizations manage the costs of these interventions? Support you view with concrete examples of what behavioral health centers can do to help the community.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Mood, anxiety, and stress disorders are among the most common reasons people seek out behavioral health care in the United States. Do demographics (race, gender, socioeconomic status, disability status, etc.) influence the prevalence of diagnosis and treatment of these disorders? Why or why not?

DQ2 Behavioral health care administrators are often under a great deal of stress. What are the best ways for behavioral health care administrators to recognize higher than normal levels of stress in themselves? Explain. Once stress is recognized, what are some positive ways the administrator can cope with stress? Explain.





PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Individuals experiencing personality, impulse control, or dissociative disorders do not often seek treatment for themselves when diagnosed. What systems might be involved in securing and providing treatment for these individuals? Is this involvement necessary? Why or why not?

DQ2 Personality, impulse control, and dissociate disorders are exceedingly difficult for clinicians to treat for prolonged periods of time. What are the best tactics behavioral health leaders can apply to help clinicians avoid becoming burned out when working with these clients? Explain.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 What agencies need to be contacted to complete an involuntary commitment? Give specific examples for your geographic location. Involuntary commitment is essentially removing or overriding an individual’s constitutional rights which could have a significant life-long impact. Who should be allowed to have this power over others (Individual citizens, clinicians, emergency personnel, no one)? Explain your reasoning.

DQ2 How would you identify burnout/compassion fatigue in behavioral health clinicians? What is the most important thing you as a leader can do for a clinician identified with burnout/compassion fatigue? What is the most important thing for you to do as a leader to prevent burnout in the clinicians serving under you? Support your views.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 8 Discussion

DQ1 Tyler is a 35-year-old white male with a history of smoking and heroin injection. He was incarcerated at 33 when he was caught breaking and entering. After he was released from prison, he returned home and engaged in further heroin use. Currently on probation, Tyler is receiving methadone treatment and is strongly being pressured to find employment. Because he is unemployed, he receives some insurance coverage from the state. What do you believe are the most significant influences on his treatment emanating from the expectations of the legal, medical, and managed care systems? Why are these more significant than other influences? Support your position.

DQ2 When working with a client who uses marijuana regularly, the outcome expectations of a therapist, probation officer, physician, and administrator of insurance benefits can differ. In addition, the definition each of these professionals might apply to the concept of “minimum criteria for successful treatment” may differ significantly. As a leader, how can you best help your clinicians simultaneously address the diverse needs of these multiple service providers to provide a fully integrated group of services? Support your ideas. How do these ideas and the other concepts presented in this course help frame your dissertation research? Explain.



PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 2 Assignment

Implications of Research

Behavioral health leaders must become acquainted with the research that has been and is being conducted in the field. This allows them to support clinicians in using the scientific method to develop diagnosis and treatment and emphasizes the importance of using evidence based treatment (EBT) in place of the pseudoscience commonly seen in therapy. In this assignment, you will explore the literature available on a method of treatment and consider implications of that information for behavioral health leaders.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Select a treatment of interest (e.g., Psychodynamic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy, Narrative Therapy, etc.).

Review three peer reviewed studies on the selected treatment. At least one should be a qualitative study and at least one a quantitative study.

Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that discusses the implications of the studies for the behavioral health leader. Include the following in your paper:

A summary of each study. What treatment was studied? What type of study was it (qualitative or quantitative)? What were the findings and implications of the study? What were the strengths and limitations of the study?

A statement that synthesizes the implications of all three studies for the behavioral health leader. How will the collective information from the studies influence the practice of the behavioral health leader?


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 5 Assignment

Co-Occurring Disorders

Co-occurring disorders impact approximately 7.9 million adults in the United States. Notably, substance abuse disorders are often diagnosed in conjunction with other disorders. In this assignment, you will explore the reciprocal nature of substance abuse and a mood disorder, anxiety, or trauma, and you will use evidence to explain what a clinician should treat first if the client has co-occurring disorders.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Refer to “Substance Abuse Treatment for Persons with Co-occurring DIsorders: A Treatment Improvement Protocol (TIP) 42” at https://store.samhsa.gov/shin/content//SMA13-3992/SMA13-3992.pdf.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) in which you explore the reciprocal nature of substance abuse and a mood disorder, anxiety, or trauma and use evidence to explain what a clinician should treat first if the client has co-occurring disorders. Include the following in your paper:

A discussion of the reciprocal nature of substance abuse and a mood disorder, anxiety, or trauma. How does substance use influence mental health and mental health substance use?

A discussion of how to use evidence to explain what a clinician should treat first if the client has co-occurring disorders.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 7 Assignment

Treatment Burnout

Clinicians who treat personality disorders and schizophrenia regularly work with clients who can be frustrating, unpredictable, and dangerous to themselves and society. Behavioral health leaders must be in a position to understand the pressure these clinicians feel from the clients, the clinic, the community, and themselves. In this assignment, you will explore ways a behavioral health leader can support clinicians working with clients afflicted by these disorders.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Choose schizophrenia or a specific personality disorder (e.g., antisocial personality disorder, borderline personality disorder, dependent personality disorder, etc.).

Write a paper (1,500-1,1750 words) in which you explore ways a behavioral health leader can support clinicians working with clients afflicted by these disorders. Include the following in your paper:

A research-based discussion of the most common pressures clinicians face when working with clients who have personality disorders and schizophrenia. Which of these pressures originate from the clients? The clinic? The community? Themselves? Does the source of the pressure matter?

A research-based discussion of how the behavioral health leader can administratively and educationally support the clinician. For example, how can the leader assist the clinician in mandatory reporting and making decisions regarding discontinuing therapy, referral to a higher level of care, or even involuntary commitment?

A research-based discussion of how the behavioral health leader can psychologically support clinicians working with clients who have personality disorders and schizophrenia.

A research-based discussion of how the behavioral health leader can socially support clinicians working with clients who have personality disorders and schizophrenia.


PCN807 Psychopathology Behavioral Assessment, &  Interventions

Week 8 Assignment

Literature Review Resources

Successful completion of a doctoral dissertation requires significant amounts of independent reading on the research topic. This allows the doctoral learner/researcher to become familiar with the scope of the topic and to identify gaps or tensions within the existing literature on the topic. These gaps and tensions become the source of the dissertation research. In this assignment, you will read and annotate potential sources in your dissertation field of interest. Those demonstrating the most merit to the best of your understanding of the topic at this time should be added to your RefWorks list for potential inclusion in the literature review section of your dissertation.

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

Locate the assignment submission for “Literature Review Resources” from a previous course, if available. You will add to this document to begin building a running literature review.

It is recommended that you engage in this activity throughout the duration of this course.

Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.

Download the resource “Literature Review Resources Tool” (if needed) and use it to complete the assignment.

Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.

Refer to “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this assignment in the appropriate style.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.


Read at least 10 empirical articles in your general dissertation field that you have not read previously.

In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source that you are adding to the document:

The APA-formatted citation.

A brief annotation of the key points of the source.

An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.

Highlight the additions to the document so the instructor can readily identify them.

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