JOB DESCRIPTION – Human Resource Manager

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Human Resource Manager

Rico Corporate Services

Job description

The human resource manager will have the responsibility of maintaining and enhancing the corporation’s human resources through organization, employing and assessing employee relations and human resource policies, programs and practices.

Human Resource Manager Responsibilities and Duties

i. Upholding the work structure through keeping up to date job requirements and positions.

ii. Maintain employees at the organization by coming up with a testing, recruiting and interviewing program.

iii. Maintaining a pay plan by doing periodic pay services, scheduling and conducting job evaluations.

iv. Ensuring compliance with all corporate data administration, data security standards and Human Resource Policies and Procedures

v. Maintaining human resource staff by recruiting, selecting, orienting and training employees.

vi. Ensuring legal compliance.

vii. Helps employees in identifying, evaluating and resolving human relations and work experience

viii. Maintains employees’ benefits programs and notifies employees of benefits by evaluating benefit needs and trends.



i. Good client focus

ii. Good communication skills

iii. Team Player


i. Undergraduate degree or equivalent combination of training and experience

ii. Three years of experience as a human resource manager

iii. Good leadership skills

iv. Ability to work autonomously

v. Effective relationship management and interpersonal skills

vi. Ability to maintain confidentiality

How to apply

Please apply online by login to our website.

I came up with a detailed task list as an approach in describing the job responsibilities. In coming up with the detailed task list I went through a typical day of the job and penned down the tasks performed in that job. The federal law does not really guide an employer while coming up with job description although when creating the job description I put into consideration the Americans with Disability Act. The Act requires that descriptions exemplifies the functions which are to be done. The Act also guided me in ensuring that I used the appropriate language which may not be considered to be judgmental or prejudice.




Employee evaluation refers to the assessment and review of employee’s performance.

Employees evaluation system in an organization should be done regularly.

Regular evaluation assists to remind employees of the objectives.

The type of employee performance evaluation conducted is numerical rating scale.

Employee evaluation is the assessment of job performance of the workers. The assessment is conducted annually in most cases. Employers get to know the information of how employees are doing their responsibility. This information is significant in making decisions such as promotions, layoffs as well as pay raises. Employers gets to know the strengths and weaknesses of the employees. Numerical rating scale is the type of performance evaluation that supervisors will learn since any organization may customize the system so as to rate important employee characteristics.


Conducting performance evaluation

The first process of conducting performance evaluation is informing the employees on the evaluation process.

As the supervisor, one should let the workers know that the evaluation will be conducted regularly at least ones per year.

You should also let them know the significance of the process.

Informing the employees on job evaluation is the first step the supervisor should do. Furthermore, he or she should enlighten employees on the importance of conducting the assessment.



The second step is coming up with rubrics for each kind of job in the different departments of the organization.

The rubrics should constitute the criteria used in the assessment process of the employees.

The standard of performance should also entail an illustration of the objectives.

Coming up with a rubric is the second step in the evaluation process. The rubric should be different depending on the kind of job. Significance of the rubric is that it assists in giving scores of the performance of the employees.



Employees should be familiarized with the criteria that is used in the assessment.

Therefore as a supervisor, one should elucidate the rubric process to the employees

The process should be made transparent to the employees.

The third step is explaining the criteria to be used in the process. This is important as it will reduce stress of the employees which is caused by the uncertainties. The purpose of the illustration is to keep the process transparent so that the employees can not feel there is favorism.



A week prior to the evaluation, organize a meeting with each of the employees to remind them of the evaluation.

The purpose of the meeting is also to discuss with them the appropriate time of the evaluation.

In the meeting, you should inquire the important elements that the employee would want you to focus on.

The fourth step is meeting with the employees a week before the evaluation. This meeting will make the employee to feel as if he is part of the assessment process. As the supervisor you should conduct the meeting with individual employees and get to know the areas that the employees would like to be assessed.



As the supervisor, you should consult co-workers, immediate supervisors and clients on the employee strengths and weaknesses.

This will give you a guideline on the ability of the employees.

It helps to know if the employees have the ability to reach a specific target

Consulting another party instead of the employee is a significant insight of the abilities of the employees. It will help you to know the strengths of the employees and evaluate the effort that the employees put in relation to his or her strengths.



Each of the employee should be given a self-assessment test.

In the test, the employees should illustrate the strengths and weaknesses.

Employees will have the opportunity to evaluate themselves.


The sixth step in conducting performance evaluation is giving the employees a self-assessment whereby they will be required to elucidate their strengths and weaknesses.


Researching previous assessments

The next step is looking at the previous evaluation of the employees.

This is significant in doing a comparison of the previous evaluation of each of the employees.

It will help you to know if the performance of the employee has declined or grown.

Looking at previous evaluations of the employees is important in identifying if there is a growth or a decline of the performance of the employee.


Compiling the employee evaluation

As the supervisor, you should collect the relevant employee information which constitute:

Achievement’s of the employees

Records of work


Gathering information of the employee is the last step of the performance process. You should meet with the worker and have a discussion on the information compiled and discuss the observation made. You should inform the employee his strength’s and the areas that he needs to improve.


Coming up with a rating scale

The last step is ensuring that you add a numerical rating scale ones you have completed compiling the report.

The rating scale should show whether the employee performance was excellent, good, satisfactory or unsatisfactory.

The rating scale gives one the opportunity of giving an overall evaluation of the performance.


Adding a rating scale at the end of the report is the last step in conducting performance evaluation. The rating scale describes the outcome of the employee performance assessment.



Likert scale is used for certain performance appraisal in the assessment process. It is used as the rating scale of each of the employees at the organization.



Dealing with Problem Employees. (2015). NOLO.

Falcone, P., & Tan, W. (2013). The Performance Appraisal Tool Kit: Redesigning Your Performance Review Template to Drive Individual and Organizational Change.

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