SPCH275 Full Course Latest November 2018

SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 1 Discussion

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Share how you are feeling about taking this speech course. How do you think this course will help you meet your education and career goals? Are you nervous at the thought of giving a speech? Review the tips for reducing speech anxiety in this week’s lesson. Choose one or two tips to share, and consider how they will help you succeed in the course.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 2 Discussion


How are you feeling as you are preparing your first speech? What communication tips are helping you to reduce any anxiety? Are you allowing yourself plenty of time to prepare and practice? What will be your preparation process for this week’s assignment?


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 3 Discussion


This week, you will conduct an informal peer review of your classmates’ Week 2 speeches. The first step is sharing your own speech for review. If your video is not viewable in the Media Gallery of our course or in VoiceThread, please post a link here.

Then, using the feedback methods discussed in this week’s lesson, please choose two of your fellow students’ speeches to watch, and provide constructive feedback to the speakers.

Speakers: when you receive feedback, please be sure to follow the guidelines in this week’s lesson to truly listen to your fellow students’ feedback before responding. Don’t forget to express gratitude for the feedback in your response.


Share an example of someone you find to be a charismatic speaker. This could be a stand-up comic, a politician, or someone you know personally, like a boss or a family member. What traits does he or she exhibit that leads to being a charismatic speaker? Strong eye contact? A commanding voice? A warm personality? Please use specific examples to help illustrate your response.

Finally, please remember that one aspect of being a charismatic speaker is to increase your vocal variety. Watch the following video. Then post your own short (30 to 45 second) video to this discussion. That posted video should show your most “charismatic voice”! And make sure you apply these skills when you deliver your informative speech.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 4 Discussion


Let’s start to share informative speech topics. If you are going back and forth between two (or more) topics, ask your peers for feedback. Why did you choose this topic? Is it something that you already know about, or something that you want to know more about? As you read and discuss each other’s topics, make sure to help each other stay informative (no opinions, no arguing of positions).


What methods do you generally use to find a speech or a writing topic? Do you have trouble deciding on a topic? Have you used any of the techniques discussed in this week’s lesson, or do you plan to try one?


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 5 Discussion


What challenges are you running into as you prepare for your informative speech this week? What parts of the speech are going to require the most thought and development? What are your top three priorities for refining your assignment for this week?


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 6 Discussion


Let’s share our persuasive speech topics here. This would be a great forum for gathering some opposing viewpoints other than your own. What is your credibility on your topic? What is your point of view? What are some rhetorical methods you may use to explore and outline your topic?


Where are you going to get good, credible, current, and reliable research for your annotated bibliography? Let’s share some insights. Which databases have you had good success with? What are some tips you can share with your classmates?




SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 7 Discussion


What challenges are you running into as you prepare your persuasive speech this week? How is it going overall? Have you worked with PowerPoint before?



SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 1 Homework

Communication Anxiety Report and Analysis

Fill out the Personal Report of Communication Anxiety (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., and complete the following.

What was your score for the PRCA? Were you surprised by your score? What does that score suggest to you?

Reflect on the suggestions for creating focus and energy from your anxiety discussed in Chapter 9. Choose two or three strategies that you think would be particularly helpful for you as you prepare and present your speeches this session.

Please submit a copy of your report and your responses to both questions in a Word (.docx) file. Please be sure to use correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. College-level writing is expected for all written assignments and is graded accordingly. For help with writing, please access the writing page in the Student Resource Center.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 2 Homework

Self-Introduction Self-Evaluation

Reflect on your first speech. Listen to your recording and view your presentation several times, paying close attention to your slide design, word choice, and pacing. Then, write a short critique of your work. Use the following prompts to frame your critique.

Write a paragraph about what did or did not surprise you about your presentation.

Identify two strengths and two areas of opportunity for developing your public speaking skills. What might you try differently next time? What would you keep the same?

Please submit your critique as a Word (.docx) file. Please be sure to use correct grammar, spelling, and syntax. College level writing is expected for all written assignments and is graded accordingly. For help with writing, please access the “Writing” page in the Student Resource Center.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 3 Homework

Speech Analysis

Choose a famous speech to analyze and incorporate the following into the analysis.

Discuss who you think the intended audience is for the speech.

Provide three or more examples of figures and tropes used by the speaker. (See Chapter 8.) What effect do you think these had on the delivery of the speech?

Analyze the speech using the canons of rhetoric from this week’s lesson: invention, arrangement, delivery, and style. Did the speaker demonstrate a mastery of all four canons? Please provide specific examples.

Here is a list of famous speeches to choose from.

Barbara Bush’s Commencement Speech at Wellesley College:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VhmyA4Kd80 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Jim’s 1993 ESPY Speech from V Foundation for Cancer Research:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuoVM9nm42E (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

“The Ballot or the Bullet,” Malcolm X:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zLQLUpNGsc (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

“Inaugural Address,” John F. Kennedy:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1PbQlVMp98 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

“1976 DNC Keynote Address,” Barbara Jordan:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKfFJc37jjQ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

“I Have a Dream,” Martin Luther King: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IB0i6bJIjw (access this video directly on YouTube)

Mr. Rogers Lifetime Achievement Speech: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H5yFsFMm-Ow  (access this video directly on YouTube)







SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 4 Homework

Informative Speech Outline

Use this week to complete a one- to two-page typed outline for your Week 5 Informative Speech. Be sure to consider key ideas from the reading as you plan your speech: selecting a topic you are enthused about, creating a solid thesis, conducting good, thorough credible research, and so forth. (See Chapters 5 and 6.)

This outline is designed to help you structure and detail your speech and plan for delivery in front of an audience, whether it be a live audience or a recorded presentation. Having the outline completed well before the presentation due date provides you with ample opportunity to practice and ample time to review your performance and make changes as needed. Although a live audience is not required for this speech, it is always a great idea to practice in front of someone in order to get some feedback. (With a small amount of instruction, even children will tell you if you are saying “um” a lot, or moving around too much, talking too long, etc.)

Your topic should be strictly informative, where you are passing along information to your audience while remaining objective; for example, this is not the speech to take a stance or insert your opinions. (You’ll get an opportunity to do that later.)

For a sample outline, download the Informative Speech Outline Sample document from the Files section of your course.

Submit your one- to two-page outline as a Word document, including three in-text citations and a list of your references at the end. Make sure your references are in APA format.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 5 Homework

Informative Speech Self-Evaluation

Submit a one-page evaluation of your informative speech in a Word (.docx) document. Consider the following areas.

Balance positive comments with areas of opportunity.

Use examples to support your comments.

Provide both honest and encouraging feedback aimed at your own awareness and improvement.

Grading Rubric

Content               Points

Summary: Provide a brief summary of your speech and describe initial impressions about your presentation.     10

Strengths and weaknesses: Multiple strengths and weaknesses are identified. A plan for future action is described clearly and concisely.    10

Style and format are unified and adheres to APA standards.        5

Total      25


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 6 Homework

Annotated Bibliography for Persuasive Speech

What is an annotated bibliography? An annotated bibliography is a list of citations of books, articles, and documents. Each citation is followed by a descriptive and evaluative paragraph—the annotation. The purpose of the annotation is to inform the reader of the relevance, accuracy, and quality of the sources cited and possibly to be used for the speech.

Directions: Write an annotated bibliography for three to five sources in preparation for your Week 7 Persuasive Speech. Document the sources using APA standards. Alphabetize by author last name, double space, and use the hanging indentation style.


Sources should be in alphabetical order by author last name. Cite the book, article, or document using appropriate APA style.

Write an annotation that summarizes the central theme and scope of the book or article, gives information about the author, and tells how you might use this information in your speech.

Paragraph 1: First, summarize the source. Be sure to put the writing into your own words and avoid plagiarism. Second, evaluate the authority or background of the author. What makes them an authority or expert on this subject? You may have to search beyond the article to find out more about your author.

Paragraph 2: Explain specifically how this work might be used in your research paper. For example, it would be good for background, good for discussion of opposite views (state what they are), good for valuable facts and statistics, a good summary to help with your conclusion, good quotations from experts in the field, and so forth.

For a sample annotated bibliography, download the Annotated Bibliography Sample document from the Files section of your course.


SPCH275 Public Speaking

Week 7 Homework

Persuasive Speech Materials

You will need to submit

a persuasive speech outline with a references list (75 points);

a copy of the PowerPoint file and any other visual aids used in the presentation (25 points); and

an evaluation of (a) the process of your speech, including preparation and research, and (b) your delivery of the presentation (50 points).


SPCH275 Public Speaking


Self-Introduction Speech

This week, you will deliver your self-introduction speech. Details for all presentations and for this speech are located under Presentations Overview.

Deliver a short presentation (1 to 2 minutes) in which you introduce yourself. Spend some time thinking about what you might share with either an audience of your peers or people you might be meeting for the first time in a professional situation; for example, possible employers.

Be sure to begin with an enthusiastic greeting that will set the tone for the audience. Introduce yourself, and then provide some detail about who you are, what you’ve done, why you’re here, and so forth. Finally, spend some thinking about (or writing down) how you will close. If you don’t prepare and practice a strong finish, there is a good chance that you will have a faltering one (.e. “well, uh . . . I guess that’s it!”). We will talk about conclusions in detail next week (see Chapter 7), but for right now you can thank the audience for their time, or leave on some otherwise friendly note.

No outline is required for this assignment.

Instructions for Recording: You have several different options for recording your presentations for this course. Click on Modules in your Canvas course, under Course Resources, then click on Access Student Resource Center. There you will find Kaltura and VoiceThread, two different platforms that will allow you to record, send, and upload presentations to our course. These platforms require a built-in webcam on your computer or tablet. If you need additional help with these platforms, please call the DeVry Help Desk. Although submitting a cell phone video is an option, it is not ideal as the recording is often not of the best quality. Creating a YouTube account and submitting a YouTube link is acceptable as well.

Please be sure to review the recording guidelines from Week 1: prepare, practice, record, and review. Although practicing in front of people is always a great idea, speaking in front of a live audience is not a requirement for this presentation.


SPCH275 Public Speaking


Informative Speech

This week, you will deliver your informative speech. Details for all presentations and for this speech are located under the Presentations Overview.

This is an individual speaking assignment, 3–5 minutes in length. This is a speech with the general purpose to inform. You will be required to conduct research, synthesize information, and remain objective about your topic. Resources that you gather should be current, credible, comprehensive, referenced orally (out loud during your speech), within the body of your outline, and in the references at the end of your outline. Please keep the following in mind.

The tone and messaging of the presentation should stay informative. Although you can bring yourself into the speech (making it personal), make sure you don’t share any opinions on your topic or try to convince your audience of anything. You should create a thesis statement that supports this and remains objective.

You should document at least three quality sources in a references list, parenthetically on the outline and orally during the presentation. Review the DeVry Brainshark referred to in the week’s lesson as well as the library guides created specifically for our course. Websites should be from reputable well-respected experts/resources in your topic area.

Your presentation should have a fully developed beginning, middle, and ending.

Extemporaneous delivery is expected for this presentation. (Have a strong introduction and conclusion prepared, while relying on limited notes during the body of your speech so that you are making lots of eye contact throughout.)

Instructions for Recording: You have several different options for recording your presentations for this course. Click on Modules in your Canvas course, under Course Resources, then click on Access Student Resource Center. There you will find Kaltura and VoiceThread, two different platforms that will allow you to record, send, and upload presentations to our course. These platforms require a built-in webcam on your computer or tablet. If you need additional help with these platforms, please call the DeVry Help Desk. Although submitting a cell phone video is an option, it is not ideal as the recording is often not of the best quality. Creating a YouTube account and submitting a YouTube link is acceptable as well.

Please be sure to review the recording guidelines from Week 1: prepare, practice, record, and review. Although practicing in front of people is always a great idea, speaking in front of a live audience is not a requirement for this presentation.


SPCH275 Public Speaking


This week, you will prepare, research, practice, and deliver a 5–7 minute persuasive presentation with a PowerPoint. Live presentations should include a Q and A session at the end of the speech. Review “Answering Questions from the Audience” on pp. 193–195. When deciding on a topic for your speech, remember to choose something that you feel strongly about. Your speech will be evaluated based on the following.

Content: The Week 7 presentation needs to be persuasive in tone and execute a fully developed persuasive strategy that is supported by a PowerPoint presentation. This is not a vocalized PowerPoint; it should be a live or recorded presentation of you delivering your presentation with PowerPoint (or something similar) as your visual aid. Keep in mind that a visual aid assists the presenter, and does not become the entire presentation.

Preparation: Your final presentation should incorporate all four canons of rhetoric (invention, arrangement, style, and delivery) in designing and delivering your message. You should have a strong introduction, several main points, and a strong conclusion. Incorporate verbal tropes and techniques from Chapter 8 for a strong delivery. Research opposing viewpoints to your stance and incorporate at least one into your speech, followed by a strong rebuttal.

Timing: The presentation should be 5–7 minutes. You should have 5–10 slides, including a reference slide at the end.

Research: You should have a minimum of three to five academic, peer-reviewed articles or books from a scholarly source. Review the DeVry Brainshark referred to in the week’s lesson as well as the library guides created specifically for our course. The sources that you submitted for the annotated bibliography are acceptable but not required if you found other research you used for your speech. Although websites are also acceptable, they should not replace the required minimum of three to five academic, peer-reviewed articles or books from a scholarly source.

A references list with at least three to five academic, peer-reviewed sources should be listed on your outline.

Three sources should be parenthetically cited on the outline. For a sample outline, download the Persuasive Speech Outline Sample document from the Files section of your course.

During the delivery of the presentation, there should be a minimum of three oral citations.

Delivery: This speech should demonstrate a mastery of the extemporaneous speaking style.

Instructions for Recording: You have several different options for recording your presentations for this course. Click on Modules in your Canvas course, under Course Resources, then click on Access Student Resource Center. There you will find Kaltura and VoiceThread, two different platforms that will allow you to record, send, and upload presentations to our course. These platforms require a built-in webcam on your computer or tablet. If you need additional help with these platforms, please call the DeVry Help Desk. Although submitting a cell phone video is an option, it is not ideal as the recording is often not of the best quality. Creating a YouTube account and submitting a YouTube link is acceptable as well.



SPCH275 Public Speaking


Your last presentation is a short speech (2 to 4 minutes) that should demonstrate your mastery (or something close to it) of public speaking. Presentational aids are optional for this speech, but are not required.

You may use this opportunity to try using the impromptu delivery style, rather than the extemporaneous. There will be many moments in your work career, starting with the actual job interview, where critical thinking on one’s feet will be required. The impromptu delivery style is good practice for these moments, when you are asked to report at a meeting or have to speak spontaneously about work experience or what you can contribute to a certain company, position, team, and so forth. Impromptu speaking requires the same skills of organization that you would use in an extemporaneous speech, but most of it is delivered with little or no opportunity for practice ahead of time. You have enough speaking experience now under your belt to give it a try if you wish.

Here are sample questions that may be used if you want to try the impromptu speech.

How would you spend lottery winnings?

What charity or cause would you support?

If you were able to travel to a time or place in history, where would you go?

What is one challenge you have faced?

What is your favorite book, video game, television show, or song?

Where would you like to take a vacation?

What is a current event that interests you?

Whom do you admire?

What was your most embarrassing moment?

What is your dream job?

What is the worst or best job that you have ever had?

Whatever topic you select, try to relax and have fun with this speech. It’s the last one, and you have come a long way; show me what you can do.

No outline is required for this speech.

Watch this video to learn the tools you need to present a well-organized, confident impromptu speech.

Instructions for Recording: You have several different options for recording your presentations for this course. Click on Modules in your Canvas course, under Course Resources, then click on Access Student Resource Center. There you will find Kaltura, a platform that will allow you to record, send, and upload presentations to our course. These platform requires a built-in webcam on your computer or tablet. If you need additional help with the platform, please call the DeVry Help Desk. Although submitting a cell phone video is an option, it is not ideal as the recording is often not of the best quality. Creating a YouTube account and submitting a YouTube link is acceptable as well.


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