Additional ideas regarding academic achievements

Response to this discussion post below by offering additional ideas regarding academic achievements to include or offering alternative ways of presenting the current achievements.

250 words each, APA format. 2 references for each post. Two in text-citation for each

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Discussion 1

What have you already accomplished academically and what degree are you seeking in graduate school right now??

My accomplishments academically throughout my journey at Walden have been no easy feat.  I have managed to maintain a 4.0 GPA for the entire BSN program while working as a Nurse Educator fulltime all while being a wife and mother of two teenagers that are involved in various extracurricular sports teams and organizations.  The goal at the beginning of my journey at Walden was to become a master level nurse and practice as a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner (PMHNP).  I attribute my academic accomplishments to a strict and dedicated study schedule and support of my family throughout this journey.

How will you use this degree as a professional? What strategies will you use to go from a graduate of Walden to a practicing FNP? 
What will you do with your degree as a professional AND how does this reflect Walden’s emphasis on social change?


As mentioned by Reis Woolen (2018) health disparities I too believe are cause for change, my focus is within the mental health sector of healthcare.  I plan to use my newfound education and knowledge as a PMHNP to create more accessible mental health care within rural areas of South Texas.  The prevalence of mental illness in rural communities is just as great as the occurrence in metropolitan areas, yet there is not access to the care in which they need (Morales et al., 2020).  My ideation for a change will impact the rural communities socially.  Walden Universities social change model boasts on training leaders that are change-makers that build within their communities to elevate social change (Walden University, n.d.).  Walden University’s (n.d.), Acts for Good, is an initiative that just isn’t about gaining knowledge through higher education, it focuses more on using the degree obtained by students to have a real-world impact that builds better and stronger communities across the nation (Walden University, n.d.).

The strategies to transition from a student to a practicing PMHNP will be achieved through creating professional portfolio.  The most impactful type of portfolio I will create when gaining employment as a PMHNP would be a portfolio consisting of Growth and Development Portfolio (Burns, 2018).  Choosing a Growth and Development Portfolio will best highlight my education and achievements and will outline future continuing education goals (Burns, 2018).  Creating a portfolio will also serve as a sense of accountability with my future professional goals outlined within.  With the advancement of technology in today’s society creating an eportfolio is something that may be a requirement rather than a hard copy (Burns, 2018).  I plan to create both to have on hand when needed.  When working as a PMHNP the transition of the portfolio from solely being about growth and development, will need updating to incorporate some of my Best Works.  The portfolio will be a way I can stay relevant in updating my practice abilities that align with new evidence-based practices related to mental illness.  

Discussion 2

Creating a professional portfolio is imperative to convey a nurse’s expertise, like skills, achievements, and professional experiences (Burns, 2018). Having a portfolio as a healthcare professional can help nurses distinguish themselves when applying for a new job. This document can illustrate which continued professional development education nurses have completed to improve their knowledge and practice (Cope & Murray). The first strategy for including academic activities and accomplishments of my professional development goals is including my continued education certificates in my portfolio. This will enlighten potential employers of my accomplishments in building onto my knowledge in my practice. I am currently working on my ultrasound certification that can be used to place intravenous catheters, midlines, and peripherally inserted central catheter lines. The second strategy is creating my professional portfolio and displaying it on my LinkedIn account for potential employers. This will allow my skills, experiences, certifications, and goals to distinguish me from other healthcare professionals. 

Walden University promotes positive social change by advancing the well-being of society by molding scholar-practitioners to become professional and civic role models (Walden University, n.d.). My goals align with Walden’s social change because I am motivated to contribute to society by providing fair and exceptional care to all. I want to help my community to become a healthier version of themselves, and through my education at Walden University, it will be more than possible to achieve.  

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