How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV?

11. Methodology 1 Due: 11/19 Define: 1. Conceptualization 2. Operationalization How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV? EXAMPLE METHODOLOGY 1  Conceptualization: The process of defining concepts  Operationalization: The process which decides the way concepts will be measured    How would you conceptualize and operationalize your IV and DV?  IV: police officers’ feelings of…

What is the difference between normative hedonism, motivational hedonism, egotistical hedonism, and altruistic hedonism?

see attached For your Unit 6 Complete assignment, write a narrative essay (minimum 1500 words) in which you address and discuss the questions and statements listed below. Use at least four scholarly sources and remember to demonstrate a thorough understanding of the READ and ATTEND sections in your essay. Cite your sources in APA format….

Implicit and Explicit Factors

See attachment. Implicit and explicit factors affect how we see ourselves and how others see us, respectively. This assignment will give you the opportunity to reflect on your own implicit and explicit factors. Write a 1,100 -word self-reflection paper listing and describing the implicit and explicit factors impacting your individual identity. Ensure your paper: ·…


For this discussion I chose the Schizophrenia scenario. The reason I chose that as I had a brother that was normal until 16 years of age and then went off the deep end, he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia and it was very hard to deal with in the home. Eventually he was institutionalized until medications…

Law – Criminal 4-2 Module Four Assignment

Overview In this assignment, you will use prior knowledge to explain data related to a crime and identify factors that increase the likelihood of being a victim of that crime. Prompt In Module Two, you analyzed how people, businesses, and corporations become victims. You focused on the differences between types of victims, and explored risk…

Discuss some of the areas where ethics are important during the research process

 From the reading you should realize that ethics are very important in the research fields.  There are organizations whose sole purpose is that ethical procedures are followed during research studies such as Institutional Review Boards (IRBs).  Discuss some of the areas where ethics are important during the research process. Explain answer in at least 250…

Legal Framework For International Human Rights

 Explore and summarize the legal framework in place for improving the life and lifestyles of the victims of human rights abuses.  What resources are made available to those victims when the conditions of their abuse are alleviated?  Are those resources appropriate and/or sufficient?  Where should the cost for human rights victims’ restitution come from and…

Many practices of American Police and Sheriff’s Department are rooted in the historic pattern of disinclination

Assignment 3 Many practices of American Police and Sheriff’s Department are rooted in the historic pattern of disinclination. Both history and current events demonstrate that law enforcement agencies routinely disproportionately arrest, ticket, and stop minorities in relationship to their percentage of the community’s population. In order to address these inequities, police reform was required. A…