Employment Law Policy Paper

Employment Law Policy Paper. Each student will submit an essay of 2,500 words on an appropriate public policy issue related to a significant employment law topic. Research using the Nexis Uni database the policy paper may be submitted in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format. The assigned title is given below.

Title: Whether (and to what extent) ride-share drivers (e.g., Uber, Lyft, etc.) are “employees” under the FLSA?

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Title: [Title of the Policy Paper]

Executive Summary:

· Brief overview of the issue

· Summary of key findings and recommendations


· Introduction to the problem or issue

· Background information and context

Problem Statement:

· Clear statement of the problem or issue being addressed

· Explanation of its significance and impact


· Detailed examination of different aspects of the issue

· Use of data, statistics, case studies, and expert opinions to support analysis

· Identification of causes, stakeholders, and potential challenges

Current Policies and Approaches:

· Overview of existing policies or approaches related to the issue

· Evaluation of their effectiveness or shortcomings

Proposed Policy Recommendations:

· Concrete policy recommendations to address the issue

· Justification for each recommendation based on analysis and evidence

· Consideration of potential outcomes and impact of proposed policies

Implementation Plan:

· Detailed plan for implementing the proposed policies

· Consideration of resources, timeline, stakeholders, and potential barriers


· Summary of key points and recommendations

· Emphasize the importance of taking action on the issue


· Citations for all sources used in the policy paper

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