DEP2004 Module 11 Final Exam Latest 2018 December


Module11 Final Exam

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Question 1

A controversial, widespread opinion about emerging adults is that they

Question 2



Which of the following statements about body growth in adolescence is true?


Question 3



Tammy’s father is an exceptional gymnast. When Tammy was just a toddler, her father believed that Tammy already showed great promise as a gymnast. Tammy’s father probably believes that athletic ability is mostly determined by


Question 4



In the United States today, the average __________ is 78.5 years-nearly 76 for men and 81 for women.


Question 5

Older adults


Question 6



Sixteen-year-old Max has been introspective lately. He has been wondering who he really is, thinking about his values, and pondering the direction he will pursue in the future. Max is


Question 7



Question 8



A(n) __________ contains only 23 chromosomes, half as many as a regular body cell.


Question 9



In the United States and a few European countries, __________ are responsible for a modest, continuing trend toward earlier menarche.


Question 10



Compared with school-age children, teenagers’ self-evaluations place more emphasis on


Question 11



Which of the following is a recessive characteristic?


Question 12



During infancy, girls


Question 13



The hormonal changes that underlie puberty


Question 14



Which of the following statements about changes in vision in adulthood is true?


Question 15



Changes of aging in __________ are twice as rapid for men as for women.


Question 16



An individual’s __________ age is based on actual competence and performance.


Question 17



Skeletal age is measured by determining


Question 18



The field of human development is considered to be an applied discipline because


Question 19



__________ contribute greatly to emotional and social development in midlife.


Question 20



According to Piaget, organization takes place


Question 21



Fraternal twins are created when


Question 22



During rapid cognitive change, children


Question 23



The __________ secretes hormones that prepare the lining of the uterus to receive a fertilized ovum.


Question 24



Free radicals are


Question 25

Piaget believed that infants and toddlers


Question 26

Many emerging adults


Question 27



Aja is a self-confident, secure 2-year-old. According to Erikson’s theory, Aja probably has parents who


Question 28

The Second Age


Question 29



The period of the zygote


Question 30



Ryan is a typical emerging adult. Which of the following is he likely to say is the most essential for attaining adult status?


Question 31



Nine-year-old Noah observed that he is better than his peers at math but not as good at spelling. Noah is using


Question 32



When asked to recall personally significant past experiences, Chinese school-age children are more likely that U.S. children to refer to



Question 33



Which of the following women is likely to offer more social support to members of her community?


Question 34




As we age,


Question 35



Today’s seniors in industrialized nations


Question 36



Dr. Fox believes that infants and preschoolers respond to the world in much the same way as adults do. This is consistent with the __________ view of development.


Question 37



According to Peck, adults develop a sense of ego transcendence if they


Question 38



People who flexibly modify their identities in response to age-related changes yet maintain a sense of self-continuity are


Question 39


Which of the following statements about measuring temperament is true?


Question 40



Middle adulthood is


Question 41



According to Erikson, the conflict of toddlerhood-autonomy versus shame and doubt-is resolved negatively when the parents



Question 42



Today we know that adolescent development is


Question 43



Which of the following middle-aged adults is the most likely to be stagnant?


Question 44



At birth, the __________ is nearer to its adult size than any other physical structure.


Question 45



Children use their current schemes to interpret the external world using a process known as


Question 46



For most young people, identity development is not traumatic and disturbing, but, rather, a process of


Question 47



According to Erikson, if the psychological conflict of adolescence is resolved negatively, a young person experiences


Question 48



To offset both excess weight and muscle loss, people should


Question 49



The __________ surrounds the amnion.


Question 50



Theorists who emphasize stability stress the importance of


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