NR714 All Weeks Discussions Latest November 2018

NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 1 Discussion

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DQ1 Integrative versus Systematic Review of Evidence

Derived from your healthcare experience, describe the differences between integrative versus systematic review of evidence from an advanced nursing practice perspective.

DQ2 Comprehensive Systematic Review of Evidence

Derived from your healthcare experience, describe the impact of the comprehensive systematic review of evidence on a selected healthcare stakeholder (patient, family, organization, or the profession) from an advanced nursing practice perspective.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 2 Discussion

DQ1 Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Methods and Analysis

Derived from your healthcare experience, determine the utility in differentiating qualitative from quantitative research methods and analysis from an advanced nursing practice perspective.

DQ2 Metasynthesis versus Meta-Analysis Measurement and Monitoring

Derived from your healthcare experience, determine the utility in differentiating metasynthesis from meta-analysis measurement and monitoring from an advanced nursing practice perspective.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 3 Discussion

DQ1 Partial Economic Evaluation

Derived from your healthcare experience, determine the components of partial economic evaluation from an advanced nursing practice perspective.

DQ2 Full Economic Evaluation

Derived from your healthcare experience, determine the components of full economic evaluation from an advanced nursing practice perspective.





NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 4 Discussion

DQ1 Leveling of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evidence in Advanced Nursing Practice

Articulate the knowledge, skills, and integrative abilities necessary for leveling qualitative, quantitative, and economic evidence that serve to shape the advanced nursing practice environment.

DQ2 Grading of Qualitative, Quantitative, and Economic Evidence in Advanced Nursing Practice

Articulate the knowledge, skills, and integrative abilities necessary for grading qualitative, quantitative, and economic evidence that serve to shape the advanced nursing practice environment.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 5 Discussion

DQ1 Power Analysis in Advanced Nursing Practice

Examine potential power analysis contributions that serve to improve the advanced nursing practice environment.

DQ2 Reliability Versus Validity in Advanced Nursing Practice

Examine potential reliability and validity contributions that serve to improve the advanced nursing practice environment.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 6 Discussion

DQ1 Differentiating Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Differentiate selected quantitative versus qualitative research designs that shape a preferred evidence-based practice environment.

DQ2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Procedures

Differentiate selected quantitative versus qualitative procedures including appropriate data collection, levels of measurement, and sampling considerations.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 7 Discussion

DQ1 Issues Related to Descriptive Analysis

Formulate effective strategies for descriptive analysis that contribute to evidence-based quality improvement.

DQ2 Nonparametric Versus Parametric, Inferential, and Multivariate Analysis

Formulate effective strategies in planning and selection of appropriate statistical analysis that contribute to evidence-based quality improvement.


NR714 Application of Analytic Methods II

Week 8 Discussion

Using Outcomes Assessment to Differentiate Original Research From Quality Improvement

Differentiate original research from quality improvement using outcomes assessment in advanced nursing practice.

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