Rho is used where one or both variables are at least of interval

Question 1 10 out of 10 points

Rho is used where one or both variables are at least of interval scaling.

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? Question 2

10 out of 10 points

The easiest way to determine if a relationship is linear is to calculate the regression line.

? Question 3 10 out of 10 points

If scores are z scores and if r equals 1 then zX will always equal zY.

? Question 4 10 out of 10 points

Pearson r requires that the data be of interval or ratio scaling.

? Question 5 10 out of 10 points

For a linear relationship to exist, all the points must fall on a straight line.

? Question 6 0 out of 10 points

The formula for rho is actually just the formula for Pearson’s r simplified to apply to lower order scaling.


? Question 7 10 out of 10 points

If the value of r on ratio scaled raw data were 0.87 and the pairs of numbers were converted to ordinal data, and r calculated for the ordinal data, r would equal 0.87.

? Question 8 10 out of 10 points

Restricting the range of either X or Y will generally lower the correlation between the variables.

? Question 9 10 out of 10 points

In an inverse relationship as one variable gets larger the other variable gets smaller.


? Question 10 10 out of 10 points

In a straight line the slope approaches zero as the line comes near the point X, Y.

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