EDMG560 Wk7: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment

The Book Title: “The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment”

The book “The Crash Course: The Unsustainable Future of Our Economy, Energy, and Environment,” by Chris Martenson explores the challenges that define our era. This book’s central premise is that the next two decades will bear little resemblance to the preceding ones. Martenson asserts that our world is in the middle of a crisis that defies simplistic solutions. The book aims to raise awareness of issues driving the world into a crisis by delving into the intertwined issues of the economy, energy sources and the environment. Martenson convincingly argues that unsustainable trends have finally reached a convergence point, “Twenty-Teens.” He provides an illuminating narrative that equips readers to confront the impending disruptions.

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Martenson outlines that at the core of the crisis lies the financial system’s impossible demands on a finite planet. The constant increase of debt, based on the belief in perpetual economic growth, is a fragile structure (Martenson, 2011). Martenson warns that if this growth stops and reverses, it will lead to serious consequences. He vividly describes a world where reducing debt on a large scale could result in a gradual decline in living standards or a chaotic financial crisis. The author also addresses oil as another focal point contributing to the crisis. Martenson highlights the global recognition of dwindling oil supplies, yet there is still an absence of credible plan Bs in developed nations. This lack of plan B’s would result in risks to individuals, businesses and nations. These risks would be immense, ranging from gradual declines in living standards to systemic crises.

Nevertheless, despite the unencouraging words throughout the description of the causes of the crisis, “The Crash Course” presents a positive outlook by urging readers to understand the fundamental causes of these challenges. It highlights the significance of personal preparedness, risk management and adaptability in times of uncertainty. In the end, the book presents a positive outlook, motivating individuals to transform their lives for increased equilibrium, resilience and sustainability.


Martenson, C. (2011). The crash course: The unsustainable future of our economy, energy, and environment. Kindle Edition: John Wiley & Sons.

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